Hookah coals are quite necessary when it comes to getting a good smoking session and the thing is that most people do not know but they actually have a lot of different types. You need to figure out which one you think is going to be the best hookah coals, for you so that you would not have to worry so much about anything else. In line with this, the different types might not be so familiar with you especially if you are new to this but if you are interested in figuring out more about it, here are some things that you should look into.
Coconut coals
One of the most popular types of coals would be the coconut ones that is made from natural materials. They are made from coconut husks that have been compressed in order to be coals. They are great because they have a long shelf time and this means that you can store a lot of it so that you can use it whenever you want and that is indeed something to keep looking forward to. Besides its longevity, it is also tasteless so if you are not into earthy or natural tastes then this is definitely something for you and that is why it is known to be the ones that is used by most individuals as well as businesses.

Wood coals
There are a lot of different types of coals out there and that is why it is necessary to figure out what you want and wood coals, there are wood coals that you can look into. This one is something that has long been around since and that is why a lot of people know this. It lasts a lot longer than those type of light coals and they have little aftertaste. They used to be the most popular until coconut coals came into the market but there are still a lot of people that are dedicated to using this one for their own sessions so you should also try it out and see for yourself if you will like this one better.
Quick light
This type of coals are not natural but they are really quick at starting up. They can be lit up with just matches or if you have a lighter, you can do that as well. You need not a stove top or a coil burner for this and that is why you are really going to be able to enjoy this as soon as you want to. However, the way it is lit means it is not going to be lasting for a long time and they also leave an after taste so that you should consider things as they are so you would be sure that you would want to try it out.