What is your lens today ?

in hope •  8 years ago 


Be Great Today by Choice!

Again it's a Monday - it happens about 1/7th of your life - and you can choose to give yourself to the cultural norms of exhaustion and blah - or you can upgrade your lens to dominate the day -

What will it be? When your head hits your pillow tonight how will you define the success of your day? Your wins/dreams/desires will materialize by your daily choices...

So what will it be?

I try my best to meet with my creator for an hour every morning - there I find He reminds me not only of who I am, but how to see the day - what will try and steal from my perspective today -

As you get going this morning, define the win - what do you want to accomplish - and how do you want to grid the things coming at you? Things are coming today - but how you react and take them on is your choice...

Choose to Be Great!

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"go for the win" I like that @breakthrough we can do this!

Talk to the lord is always good !