Health Journey Month #1

in hope •  5 years ago  (edited)


I decided to start writing a monthly journey where I go all over everything I did throughout the entire month regarding my health.

Last month it was disastrous my performance was horrible plus I was also getting distracted by superficial elements and even watching a lot of nonsense online that is quite unproductive and a lot of time was wasted (time that I will never recover … sigh!) plus I was deeply sick. I have had worst months than the last one … so it is ok.

This month was, in general, I think … a good month; first at able the fact I’m writing this is also a good proof this was a good month comparing it with others, I will try to write a more detailed journey in other threads later, about how bad it was a couple months and years ago.

Writing my Journey

After quite some time thinking about how to do this and what will people say, philosophizing about life, wondering what are we doing here, where are we going, going from Nietzsche to Dostoevsky to Thomas Aquinas to watching hell’s kitchen and every single episode where “Elise” was featured season 9 and season 17 (this is the real thing guys, I’m telling you, if you like to get entertained you have to watch both episodes, I watched the whole thing, Yes! both seasons)

Some people accuse her of being a psychopath when that label fits way much better in Nietzsche, you would agree after watching both seasons and after reading Nietzsche, the character on hell’s kitchen is just enjoyable, love her.


I was going to put the image of Nietzsche here for this whole paragraph to make it look more attractive and not so boring but decided to do a better service to humanity. Source:

Anyways, I just decided to go for it and start doing what I like to do which is reporting my health out there, I hope you follow me on this journey and if I succeed or if I get worst or die everything will be here.

My goal is to touch as many souls as I can, so they can learn from my mistakes or point out to me where I’m going wrong so I can be a better human being or just improve the life and health of someone out there with my writings.

I also decided to do this after one of my online heroes:

Decided to report on her journey I was very sad that all ended like this but I’m glad she did it, her spirit is still with us and I’m grateful that she reported everything. It made me very sad at the end, I almost cried and I usually don’t do it. Because🎵Boys don’t cry🎵.

Listen to this please while you keep reading.

She also donated her body to science, Jesus Christ!

What a lovely soul she is, I could see the desperation on every single video that she uploaded and I share some of that, it is a horrible thing to be suffering like this I have also experienced moments of deep pain and suffering (I haven’t cried thus far but my pain and suffering is nothing compared to people with metastasis like it was on her case) 🎵Boys don’t cry🎵.


By the end of her fatal and deeply sad journey she had her friends very close to her which is a nice way to go; having those that love you and care for you very close to you on your last moments keep those that love you always close to you and share nice and sincere experiences together stop having silly fights and unnecessary arguments, we are all one call away from finding out that those we love are in a terrible condition or dead.

This whole thing had some emotional impact on me and made me think about it and brought memories about donating blood and eventually donated my organs and donating my body I don’t want to be a hypocrite here I haven’t done any of this but she did wake up this part on me to at least make me think and wonder about it. Is this a moral obligation? What do you think?



I was having a lot of problems with this and I think up to some point I still have some but I have improved a lot, I can’t declare victory yet though. I’m regulating my nervous system. I’m adding new techniques every day disregarding those that don’t work and taking those that do work and using them.

So, for example, I was sleeping with a lot of pillows, it looks like a mini bunker with sandbags around it … one for my head another for my legs another for my column it was a little crazy, I saw someone recommending this on YouTube, this is the video:

The problem with using multiple pillows is that I was waking up in the middle of the night because I move a lot at night and then I like to change positions I mean think about it, is it possible to sleep on the same position for 8 hours??? Really??? I highly doubt it not sure if that is a good thing either. So I move and change positions and when this happens I wake up to remove some pillows and move around sometimes I drop one pillow and then I’m trying to look for that specific pillow and I can’t find it. It is a mess I wake up for more time at night then it takes me time again to go back to sleep. Also, think about it


I mean what happens if you are sleeping somewhere else because you travel are you gonna be carrying all your pillows with you? Really?

In my case I’m single but if you have a partner this thing could break the relationship frankly speaking especially if the other person is not sick… but if you love somebody will all your heart and love is love… Ok…Right… but at least we would agree that this would be annoying, let me know if I’m wrong here.

So Ulises, Can you talk to me about how did you improve your sleeping? I think I will be writing a deeper article on that topic and hopefully end up building a video about it. But I will write some short notes bellow though:

No longer sleeping on my stomach

I’m very proud to say that finally I no longer sleep on my stomach, this took me quite a while to accomplish but finally, I did it I sleep in any position, but on my stomach not anymore baby, keep working on this guys, this is very important to accomplish for better sleeping and better health. How did I do it? I just kept trying and trying until I got it. It took me quite some time.

Building Habits

(I’m still in beta testing many things before sleeping and seeing which one works better so stay tuned for more.)
I have built habits so 30 minutes before sleeping is game over and I turn off my pc and just start doing 15 minutes of meditation and 15 minutes of yoga

Movements are very female-like which is kind of uncomfortable (like most yoga actually) but thank God no one is watching :).

Regulating my nervous system.

The cool thing about having your nervous system regulated is that it also makes it easier to improve your sleep.
I try as hard as I can to sleep 8 hours a day I understand that I’m sick so I cannot sleep less than that, I’m trying to heal my body so at least I need to give it 8 hours to fully rest still fighting on this one.


I have started implementing exercises in my life after I almost got a stroke, don’t do exercises at night especially not the heavy ones or intensive exercises. I do tech neck exercises at night or just the soft ones like tai chi or the ones that help me with my back pain.

Take a look at the video from professor Jordan Peterson below it talks about regulating your nervous systems, habits, and depression.

I’m still back and forth with this disease I will continue to do it with your support, at the moment of writing this I still have some pressure on my chest and heart and some numbness on my left leg hopefully a doctor could read this and drop a comment.

Well it is getting very late I wish I would have written more but I have to be respectful of my time so I’m going to sleep now. Have a good day everybody.

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