Sep 14, 2022

Mar 21 - Apr 20
- Mood: Sweet
- Lucky Time: 9pm
- Description: If you thought you were blissfully occupied yesterday, just you wait until tonight. You may still feel caught between two irresistible options -- but finding someone to offer you their sincere condolences might be tough.
- Lucky Color: Yellow
- Sign Compatability: Aquarius
- Lucky Number: 19

Apr 21 - May 20
- Mood: Moody
- Lucky Time: 5pm
- Description: Still haven't relaxed your grip on that travel-pack of tissues? Well, don't expect to get rid of it just yet -- at least, not for today. You really should enjoy the tears, too. By tomorrow morning, you'll be feeling quite calm and objective.
- Lucky Color: Red
- Sign Compatability: Sagittarius
- Lucky Number: 34

May 21 - Jun 21
- Mood: Happy
- Lucky Time: 5pm
- Description: There's still a whole lot of sniffling going on, isn't there? If you're crying, they're probably happy tears, though -- or tears of relief. Isn't there someone you want to share this time with?
- Lucky Color: Purple
- Sign Compatability: Taurus
- Lucky Number: 56

Jun 22 - Jul 22
- Mood: Talkative
- Lucky Time: 1am
- Description: Getting you to speak your mind hasn't ever been something your friends look forward to. It's not that getting you going is a chore -- that's easy. It's getting you stopped -- like now, for example.
- Lucky Color: Brown
- Sign Compatability: Gemini
- Lucky Number: 64

Jul 23 - Aug 22
- Mood: Relaxed
- Lucky Time: 3am
- Description: Suddenly, you're in the mood for a trip -- a nice long one to a far-off place. Bet you won't be going alone -- how about taking the person you've been spending all your time with for the past few days?
- Lucky Color: Pink
- Sign Compatability: Sagittarius
- Lucky Number: 97

Aug 23 - Sep 22
- Mood: Fun
- Lucky Time: 10am
- Description: Enough with the duty and responsibility. You've paid your dues -- big time -- and now it's officially time to have some fun. Call everyone who's been trying to get in touch with you for the past three or four weeks.
- Lucky Color: Pink
- Sign Compatability: Capricorn
- Lucky Number: 27

Sep 23 - Oct 22
- Mood: Joyful
- Lucky Time: 2pm
- Description: Here's the day you've been waiting for -- consciously or not. It's time to open up that can of worms, let that cat out of the bag, spill those beans. Call it whatever you like. You're tellin'. Right now.
- Lucky Color: Spring Green
- Sign Compatability: Leo
- Lucky Number: 83

Oct 23 - Nov 22
- Mood: Diligent
- Lucky Time: 2pm
- Description: You'll finish up the workweek with a bang. If there's overtime to be put in, a project to be finished or work to be taken home, you'll raise your hand. Fortunately, you'll also be noticed -- even if it's not your intention.
- Lucky Color: Red
- Sign Compatability: Sagittarius
- Lucky Number: 14

Nov 23 - Dec 21
- Mood: Aggressive
- Lucky Time: 10pm
- Description: Feisty today, aren't you? Much more than usual, too. Was it something they said that got you going -- or just the fact that you've been holding things in for far too long?
- Lucky Color: Brown
- Sign Compatability: Aries
- Lucky Number: 90

Dec 22 - Jan 19
- Mood: Sincere
- Lucky Time: 9pm
- Description: You may be out in public when the urge to be especially demonstrative strikes, but don't let that stop you. If you want to give someone a hug or say 'I love you,' there's no time like the present.
- Lucky Color: Sky Blue
- Sign Compatability: Scorpio
- Lucky Number: 94

Jan 20 - Feb 18
- Mood: Lucky
- Lucky Time: 8pm
- Description: Everything seems to be coming along in pairs lately, doesn't it? Fortunately, things are going well, which means you're getting twice the luck, twice the romance and twice the pleasantly unexpected. Not a bad month so far.
- Lucky Color: Spring Green
- Sign Compatability: Cancer
- Lucky Number: 70

Feb 19 - Mar 20
- Mood: Cautious
- Lucky Time: 1am
- Description: Just like yesterday, you'll need to keep a careful watch on your wallet -- figuratively and literally. Keep your money on your person at all times, and don't be talked out of it by a skillful salesperson.
- Lucky Color: Teal
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 46