Sep 19, 2022

Mar 21 - Apr 20
- Mood: Truthful
- Lucky Time: 12pm
- Description: Much as you'd like to, you can't keep absolutely everything under your hat now. You may keep your feelings under wraps -- until later tonight, at least, when any question, no matter how casual, will elicit a very, very intense answer.
- Lucky Color: Red
- Sign Compatability: Scorpio
- Lucky Number: 91

Apr 21 - May 20
- Mood: Excited
- Lucky Time: 5am
- Description: Here's the kind of day you can definitely live with -- intense, passionate and meaningful. That goes for each and every encounter you have, no matter how casual it was supposed to be.
- Lucky Color: Orchid
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 7

May 21 - Jun 21
- Mood: Sweet
- Lucky Time: 4am
- Description: That tingly feeling you get when you look at that certain person? Especially lately? It's a good thing. Don't be scared, no matter what happened last time. This could be delightfully different.
- Lucky Color: Purple
- Sign Compatability: Leo
- Lucky Number: 36

Jun 22 - Jul 22
- Mood: Relaxed
- Lucky Time: 2pm
- Description: You can breathe now -- well, in a day or so. After weeks of mysteriously somehow managing to get between you and everyone you were trying to contact, the stars are about to give you a break. Soon.
- Lucky Color: Red
- Sign Compatability: Leo
- Lucky Number: 0

Jul 23 - Aug 22
- Mood: Patient
- Lucky Time: 7am
- Description: Getting in touch with dear ones hasn't been this tough for, oh, three weeks, right? The good news is that it's almost over. The bad -- no, the 'challenging' news -- is that it's not over quite yet. Give it a day or so.
- Lucky Color: Blue
- Sign Compatability: Capricorn
- Lucky Number: 78

Aug 23 - Sep 22
- Mood: Frustrated
- Lucky Time: 11pm
- Description: You've been so frustrated with them you can hardly stand to be in the same room. For some reason, you're still interested in how they are -- maybe because you're not convinced that avoiding you was what they were really after.
- Lucky Color: Silver
- Sign Compatability: Gemini
- Lucky Number: 26

Sep 23 - Oct 22
- Mood: Patient
- Lucky Time: 10am
- Description: Supposedly, it's all over soon -- all the proverbial bull, that it. It's been making it impossible for you to connect and communicate. It's not. Give it two more days -- then you'll be able to get moving again.
- Lucky Color: Red
- Sign Compatability: Leo
- Lucky Number: 32

Oct 23 - Nov 22
- Mood: Patient
- Lucky Time: 4pm
- Description: After weeks of putting up, shutting up and dealing with all kinds of miscommunications, you've had it. But if you can tolerate one more especially irritating day of this, though, you'll be golden. Ready?
- Lucky Color: Yellow
- Sign Compatability: Pisces
- Lucky Number: 45

Nov 23 - Dec 21
- Mood: Relaxed
- Lucky Time: 4pm
- Description: Things slowing down a little? Feeling like you might even be stalled again? It's certainly possible -- and you'll certainly be frustrated. Why not just let it go for now, and see what the universe has decided to provide for entertainment?
- Lucky Color: Red
- Sign Compatability: Taurus
- Lucky Number: 60

Dec 22 - Jan 19
- Mood: Stressed
- Lucky Time: 9pm
- Description: Friends and lovers -- there's a very wide dividing line between the two, right? Well, usually. Now, however, you may find yourself in the midst of a very strange situation, wondering when the lines became so blurred.
- Lucky Color: Shadow Black
- Sign Compatability: Leo
- Lucky Number: 38

Jan 20 - Feb 18
- Mood: Responsible
- Lucky Time: 11pm
- Description: That conversation or situation you've been avoiding because you were sure it'd be best to let things simmer down? Maybe permanently? Well, it's here again, and it won't go away. Deal with it.
- Lucky Color: Silver
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 93

Feb 19 - Mar 20
- Mood: Fun
- Lucky Time: 9pm
- Description: Enough with worrying about what you might say and when you might say it. It's time to have some real fun. And isn't there someone who's willing to stay up late with you? Sure there is.
- Lucky Color: Pink
- Sign Compatability: Virgo
- Lucky Number: 81