JULY 12, 2017 DAILY Horoscopes. Moon in Pisces sharpens your instincts, pay attention to them.

in horoscopes •  8 years ago 


JULY 12, 2017 DAILY Horoscopes. Moon in Pisces sharpens your instincts, pay attention to them.

Aries MARCH. 21-APRIL 19
Keep a positive outlook even when there's uncertainty; it could mean things are about to change, and for the better. Planetary interactions affect your home and family. The energy you need to trigger a decision. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20
Attitude makes a big difference in life to anything you do or encounter. And, as Venus, your ruling planet, is in the sign next to you, your attraction factor for both love and money is strong. This is an excellent sign for progress! Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20
Your love stars are hot with Venus in your sign and you can start something new or rekindle love. Good friends make the best love partners, as they are the ones who love and accept you, all of you, the irresistible and the irritating. Of course, you want it all, but compatibility is high on the list. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22
Mercury, planet of communication, in your next sign, your area of material security and self-worth, can indicate discussions that will affect your home and domestic situation. However, later in the week, Mercury and beneficial Jupiter interact, which indicates the outcome is likely to be positive. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22
When searching for a perfect partner, leave preconceived notions in the past. As Mercury moves to your sign, you want someone who'll be a close friend. Someone to share your ideals and be confident enough to talk to you, but not to try to change you. You deserve a partner who loves you for who you are. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
Mercury, your ruler, in the sign before yours, later this week will interact with lucky Jupiter in your money zone. The combined energy can get you thinking about life, where you are and where you want to be. Over these next few weeks, schedule in thinking time, which will enable you to do some planning. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
Anything is possible at work now. Be prepared to either have a meaningful discussion with someone at work or to stand up and put your case forward. What happens next with your career can be significant for the future. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21
Your solar ninth house, the area of vision, is bursting with activity now. So even though your mind may be on business, with Mars in this area as well as the Sun, your mind will be racing on opportunities. However, Venus in your area of intimacy could distract you. This is an exciting time; make room for both love and work. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21
If you don't know all the facts and figures of a financial situation, don't make any comments you might regret later. Often, it's better not to say anything. When you let someone else do all the talking they can reveal more information than they intend. Remember, knowledge is power. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19
The stars reveal that your career gets a boost. And this is also a good time to reassess if you are travelling on the right road, or if you have deviated off the path to success. Watch for the signs of co-incidence. When things fall into place, you know it is right. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Venus, which highlights relationships, in one of your love zones can highlight that a discussion or interaction with someone close can take place. If so, be straightforward and say what’s on your mind and in your heart. Jennifer’s readings ON SALE

Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20
Change can be uncertain, but it is generally a sign that your life is about to transform. Without change you stagnate, which will not acceptable for positive forward thinking Pisces. What happens next could be better than you think.

Jennifer’s readings ON SALE at www.jennfierangel.com
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Thank you Jennifer!! You're my first horoscope encounter on steemit!! Following ***

Wow... thank you so much, I hope you enjoy the daily scopes!! Look forward to seeing your posts. ;-)