July 19, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel Moon in Scorpio can certainly make you feel alive and focused!

in horoscopes •  7 years ago 


July 19, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel
Moon in Scorpio can certainly make you feel alive and focused!

An intuitive astrology session can reveal insights and answers.

Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19
If business has not been as you would like, change is on the way. We are between the intense energy of two eclipses, so anything is possible now, but you want to think a possible great prospect through. Don’t be impulsive – take your time.

Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20
Allot some time to spend with people who love you no matter what, like family or your partner. As the lunar eclipse approaches in the area of your home and family changes can take place but be careful you don’t rush in and say something you may later regret. This energy can be dynamic, but it is also sensitive and intense.

Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20
It’s time to get organized. The more distracted you are, the less you will achieve. And the more conscious you are of how you spend your time, the more productive you will be. Be open and honest about what works for you and people will try and accommodate your needs.

Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22
It’s an ideal time to reassess your money management. Choose role models who know what they’re doing. There’s no point asking advice from someone who is clearly struggling to get their own financial security in order. Source people with the knowledge and know-how you need.

Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22
Stay positive? productive energy surges forward in your direction, it’s time to clear the desk and get organized! This is your time to shine. Don’t hold back, get your goals clear in your mind and go after them with determination. Go for gold!

Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
Be careful of saying something to a anyone if you have not thought through your approach. If you need to clear the air and tell them how you feel, be as diplomatic as possible. And if you need extra advice, then reach out to a friend you can trust.

Libra SEPT. 23-OCT 22
Clear the schedule to spend time with those you love.
Venus in the sign before Libra, can make you more sensitive to the needs of others, than usual, if that’s possible! Your instincts are hot now, and your imagination can result in bursts of inspired thought. Pay attention and get your thoughts recorded as soon as you can.

Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21
The Sun sits in your ninth house, the area of travel, foreign affairs and knowledge and highlights these areas of your life. This is also a great time to visualize where you see yourself in the future. It’s important right now to put time aside to think about your long-term goals.

Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21
At the moment, with planetary connections influencing your sign, certain events could steer you in a different direction. You may feel like you have to speak your mind, which can be unsettling, but maybe you need to. Right now, don’t assume anything. Whatever happens next can lead you in a new direction, the right direction,

Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19
During this period, you can connect with someone who’ll help you with finances, and you can move forward with confidence. Something great can come your way, but don’t celebrate too soon; there still could be changes forthcoming. Remain optimistic; Lady Luck is by your side.

Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Even if you don’t know what happens next, with all that’s going on in and around your astral chart now, stay optimistic. At work, build sound relationships with people who can help you make life-altering decisions; life can change in an instant, and for the better.

Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20
When you need help, don’t be shy about asking for it. That’s what friends and colleagues are all about, and the energy right now can highlight who is in your corner and who is not, and that’s a good thing as you will know who to reach out to. Everyone expects to be there for someone close at some time.

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