The Horror From Below

in horror •  3 years ago 

A couple of years ago, after having visitors one spring break, we started having issues with one of the toilets in our house. It was a bit odd really. The toilet would become clogged and a plunger didn't seem to help at all. So I bought an auger (or snake). The auger didn't meet any obvious resistance but one trip down and back up and the toilet seemed to function properly again.

Unfortunately, this only lasted a day or two. Then it was the same problem and solution...plunger didn't help...auger seemingly cleared the problem right away. It was clear there was some kind of blockage but it just seemed a little odd that the auger never seemed to meet any resistance.

Those guests I mentioned included a small child. So my next thought was that maybe he had flushed a toy that was jammed deep down somewhere. I really didn't want to have to remove the toilet to resolve this but it was getting kind of annoying having to (temporarily) fix this evey couple days. So I ended up buying a cheap endoscope/borescope from Basically a small camera on a wire that could be guided into tight places. It was waterproof and plugged into a phone or other android device for display. It required an app download via apk (probably full of viruses, crypto miners, etc. but I used an old phone). The idea was I would stick it down the toilet and see what I could see. Scary thought in itself but I made sure everything was ultra clean before starting.

For some reason I was irrationally nervous. Perhaps the last thing I would see before being swallowed by a giant sea creature (or more likely The Flukeman) would be teeth rapidly closing in on the camera. As the camera snaked through the long dark tunnel (that's what it looked like anyway) I saw something bright yellow...and blue...up ahead. The monster was coming.


Hahaha... no monster...just a kids toothbrush. It had gotten jammed sideways and was solidly stuck. After some trial and error I managed to hook it with a wire clothes hanger. The endoscope really helped. I actually ended up breaking the toothbrush into two pieces it was jammed so tight. But after that it came right out.

So, haha, no sea monster, no flukeman, just a Minion... But wait....


What is that spot on the back, close to the fattest part of the handle?


Ahhh! What in God's name is that?!? Get it away! Get it away!

Sorry, I'm still having flashbacks... I just hope that the Mommy and Daddy monsters don't come looking for their babies. That could be bad...

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