THE MOST TERRIFYING MONSTERS EVER - Tau and Kerana, The seven Paraguayan Myths

in horror •  7 years ago 

In Guarani mythology, "Tupa" is the supreme god of the Guarani, is the one who created the light and the universe.

Tupa is the supreme god of the Guarani, he is the deity who created the light, the universe and the Guarani race. His dwelling is Kuarahy (the sun), he celebrated nuptials with Arasy (mother of heaven), and chose as his bridal abode Moon (jasy).

It is said that in a remote morning Tupa and Arasy descended to the earth and installed on a hill of Aregua, they created the seas and the rivers, the forests, the stars and all the beings of the world.

There Tupa created the first human pair: Sypavé and Rupavé names that mean "Father of the peoples" and "Mother of the towns", respectively.

The couple had three sons: Tumé Arandú, Marangatú and Japeusá and a large number of daughters, among them Porâsy, mother of the beauty, and of great physical strength.

Moreover, he created and left with them Angatupyry, spirit of good, and Tau, spirit of evil.

Kerana, a beautiful human girl, daughter of Marangatú, was captured by the spirit of evil, called Taú. Together they had seven children, who were cursed by the great goddess Arasy (Tupa's companion) and all were born as horrible monsters.

Many of the names of those old gods have been forgotten by men, but even today the legend of these seven monsters is still alive.

The Legend

Kerana, beautiful as her aunts, is in the blossom of adolescence, her eyes have the brilliance of the movement of the waters when they play with the sun.

His delicate hands exist only for caresses.

Kerana, the most coveted young woman in the whole tribe.

Everyone enjoys the moments when she walks around the village, but still no one imagines the misfortune that her beauty holds for her and for all the people who are by her side.

From the darkest of the evil shadows, Tau, the evil spirit, watches the child. He watches her with desire. He watches her with lustful passion.

He watches her to find the weak spots and attack her.
He wants it for himself and he is willing to do everything to get it.

The evil spirit now decides to attack.
To appear on earth turns his disgusting body into that of a handsome and elegant young man.

Dressed like a stranger, he passes through the village where Kerana sleeps sweet dreams.

He carries in his hands a magic flute that sounds next to the hammock of Kerana. The girl wakes up and sees the young man. I've never seen such a beautiful young man before.

Bewitched by music, eyes and smiles, Kerana listens with pleasure. Later the young man goes on his way leaving ecstatic to Kerana.

But the strategy of the evil spirit is closely watched by Angatupyry, the spirit of good. It will not be easy for you !? Thinks to himself Angatupyry.

The calm of the past has already been broken. Although everything seems to be like that, in the heavens the struggle has begun.

Tau has prepared other traps for the girl.

Two days after his first appearance he returns with the sound of his magic flute to awaken Kerana. The girl now listens to him in a trance.

Now he talks to her, tells her wonderful stories, falls in love. Angatupyry observes the visits of Tau that now are made daily and decides to intervene.

First sow the doubt in the girl. It makes him dream dreadfully disgusting dreams. In her nightmares, Kerana sees how the handsome and tender young man turns into a horrible monster, becomes the very Tau.

But Kerana's innate naivete leads her to tell her young man's nightmares. When Tau finds out about the dreams, he realizes that he is being harassed by Angatupyry and decides to face him.

Like so many other times, Tau and Angatupyry have been locked in an unceasing struggle and choose as scenery the great fields near the hills of Areguá.

The fight is fierce. For six days with their nights the opposing spirits have been debated, crossing in furious melee encounters. Casting flames of hate.
Kerana has slept those six full days without getting up or opening her eyes.

Tau and Angatupyry, braided in fierce combat, continue the fight now and once again Angatupyry is overcoming. Exhausted Tau tries to evade the ferocious onslaughts of the spirit of good. Once again, good will triumph over evil.

In her bed, Kerana begins to calm down. Tau is withdrawing from his dreams.

Angatupyry smiles, seeing almost vanquished his eternal enemy. Tau rolls across the field again and again trying to dodge Angatupyry's attacks.

It is already the seventh day of struggle and Tau is at the mercy of his enemy, but with the last breath invokes the god of valor:

-Pytãjovái, help me to win !, moans from the ground Tau.

"Pttajovái, help me!" He repeats desperately, watching Angatupyry advance.

Suddenly, a blast of fire slows down Angatupyry's attack.

Behind the flames you hear the horrible laughter of Tau.

Pytanejovái has heard the prayers of the wicked and has appeared on the battlefield with all his weapons. Angatupyry lies dying.

Tau stands up and looks haughty with his eyes full of evil.

Kerana wakes up suddenly and climbs to the top of a tree from where she scans the horizon. Tau, once again turned into the handsome young man, heads towards her without opposition.

Cast in a long hug, the young people greet each other. Tau, from his disguise of naive, for the first time speaks of his most hidden desires and driven by his own anxieties, he shows himself to her with all his ugliness suddenly becoming the terrible monster that is.

Kerana screams and the whole tribe comes to his call. Tau clings to his prey and flees blindly. No one can stop him. They see him walking away carrying the beautiful Kerana with him.

Tau leads the girl to her inaccessible abode and persuades her to try to escape.

Do not try, you will die if you intend to leave! "He says in his thunderous voice.

Tau, from then on satiates his thirst for pleasure in the young body of Kerana.

Subjected, the child weeps disconsolately and her cry infuriates still more the terrible spirit of evil.

I will never be yours! Kerana shouts every time the monster owns it, but the scream is muffled by the deafening growls of Tau.

The tribe implores Arasy to intercede for the miracle of rescuing Kerana. Indignation and stupor have invaded the people who now demand an exemplary punishment for the soulless raptor.

Arasy hears the prayers and curses Tau, curses him for all eternity and curses all his offspring, condemning him to procreate seven sons, sietemesinos monstrous and deformed that would be the origin of the myths and legends Guarani.

Seven moons have passed since that day when Kerana was kidnapped by the evil one.

Seven moons have watched the desperation of the girl pale. Now Kerana is giving birth.

She expects a child, but Arasy's curse has caused her to beget a monster.

Thus, besieged permanently by Tau, Kerana, gave birth to a son every seven moons. All sietemesinos. All deformed phenomena. All evil ...


Kerana gives birth to a horrible seven-headed monster. Seven of dog heads whose eyes give off flames.

Seven dog heads and a horrible lizard's body.

His ferocity was annihilated by Tupã's desire and, contrary to his hideous figure, feeds only on fruits and honey that his younger brother Jasy Jatere takes him to his hiding place.

He could never make use of his supernatural forces, because of the heaviness of his body. It was considered like the dominator of the caves and protector of the fruits.


The second son of evil saw the light in the shape of a great parrot-headed serpent and a huge beak.

With its bifid tongue red as blood, its flaky veined skin, feathered head and evil look, round the marshes and protect the amphibians.

She loves moisture and flowers. It can be identified without seeing it because it throws terrible and powerful squawks that are heard from great distances.


Kerana, overwhelmed by grief and overwhelmed by the uncontrollable Tau, stop her third son, who as his immediate predecessor, has the body of a huge snake and has two straight and iridescent horns that function as antennas.

Their domains are open fields. He climbs the trees with great ease and leans from them to hunt the birds with which he feeds, which he dominates with the hypnotic power of his antennae. That is why it is also said that he is the lord of the air.

Moñái protects theft and encourages it. Thieves and scoundrels even today invoke him in their misdeeds. Accumulate the product of its predation in a grotto of the hill Yvytykuape, today hill Kavaju, in Atyra.


In her fourth gestation period, Kerana feels that at last there is something human in her womb.

At seven months, as with all his previous children, he stopped a boy with golden hair and very white skin, but the child was born with a golden staff in his right hand. A slight pressure on his magic wand and the child disappears becoming invisible.

The child horrifies his mother disappearing and appearing in incredible places.

Jasy Jatere will be the goblin who, in the form of a child, will besiege the young girls and the young girls who are encouraged to go out alone, conquering them and possessing them with the powers of their magical staff.

He will dominate the bees and from them he will obtain the honey with which he will feed and whose remains he will take to the cave where his older brother Teju Jagua lives.


Now Kerana gives birth to the fifth evil spawn. His figure is much like Tau's, in his sharp features and in his dark skin and will fill the young women with fear.

Its main physical feature is a huge, long penis that is wrapped around the waist. His attacks on lonely women venturing through the jungle will be much more furious and cruel than those of his brother JasyJatere. In these cases Kurupi rapes and kills his victims.

But their greatest fun is to kidnap the virgins, who disappear mysteriously to return pregnant and ready to give birth at seven months.

The children of Kurupi, however, die on the seventh day of a strange evil. He dominates the wild animals and never leaves the jungle where he reigns with the power of his sensuality, except to kidnap his victims.


Delivered to her fate, Kerana gives birth to her sixth child. Once again sietemesino. Again monstrous. This one has the power to reproduce alone and lives in a large herd in the most inhospitable areas of hills and mountains.

Ao Ao feeds on human flesh and lives chasing the people who venture up the hills. The only way to save yourself from the pack is by climbing a pindo.

Any other tree in which the persecuted will take refuge will be uprooted by its terrible claws and demolished in a short time but apparently, the pindo has some spell against the ferocity of these monsters.

The AoAo is quadruped but when it attacks it stops on two legs. His powerful claws and ferocious head remind us of a bear, but his body is like that of a sheep and under that appearance makes people approach him without fear.


The seventh and final birth of Kerana was as terrible as the previous six. Its head, similar to that of a dog, shows a long row of sharp teeth of different sizes.

His ears are small and imposed on the top of the large skull. His limp, dry body, his half human limbs, half claws give him an ungainly appearance.

He lives in the holy fields and feeds on the corpses that he has unearthed there. He can be heard on the nights of the full moon, when he emits his pitiful and terrifying howls, climbed to the gravestones of the tombs.


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