Rating: 3/5
AKA: Survivor - Pittsburgh
Watch Here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/iGHK8QmGoNsC/
or Here: https://3speak.tv/watch?v=mrhellbox/hzjcmccr
In America, 1968 - You could mop up an army of rotten brain simps in around 24 hours. Night of the Living Dead and it's sequels Dawn/Day (We don't count anything after) are trying to tell you, the viewer something.
That something is: if you got armies of mad, unstoppable flesh eaters destroying everything around you, you better act fast, instead of worrying what fucking unoffensive curtains you can hang in the unisex toilet. I mean c'mon theres not even windows in that bitch.
For a film half a century old you get everything, the no fucking around start, loads of zombies, action, and the intensity of attempting to get gas. Enough dilly dallying, though, let's get to the meat of this movie.
Though the film wants you to cheer for Ben, and not to take anything away from the Beekman's Diner Bandit, (cause lets face it, he was on a buck 'em all, fuck 'em all car jacking spree and blamed it on the zombies) it's Harry Cooper whose the real star of the film.
Cooper is a man stuck in a shitty marriage with a condescending wife and sickly child. He's just lost his wheels because of some peaceful zombies who decided to flip it over, and now he's stuck in a power struggle with multiple men as well as his wife, all of whom are much more capable and smarter than himself.
But Cooper knows what's up - The "CELLAR" is the safest place bitch. Again and again he tries to persuade everyone, but because he is a gamma cuck no one wants to hear it.
I think Helen was about to trade up in the end when she converses late in the film with Ben, who is obviously the defacto leader in a situation like this. However it is the finale where Cooper is proven right.
Ben has to swallow his pride by hiding himself in the cellar that he opposed. Thus surviving the night, only to be shot in the end by the greatest assembly of heroes that 1968 could muster, the zombie hunting vigilante posse squad of Pittsburgh. 24 hours bitch and we can put order back in place, you can't even do that in America 2020, somethings wrong here lads.
Final Word -
Mr. HellBox: Duane Jones as Ben was cool and while this is definitely not as good as the remake (who the fuck can say that nowadays) Tony Todd's performance as Ben in NOTLD 90 was FAR superior. But all pale in comparison to Johnny who if he hadn't landed wrong on that tombstone would have been the true alpha to save the day....hold up his skull
was crushed on the tombstone, why the fuck did he rez? - 3/5
Schlong Long: When you wanna hang with a Mr. Cooper, make sure its Harry Cooper, hell keep you safe in the cellar bitch. - 3/5
Prince Pectorals: Helen was hot - Original Judy was prettier than remake Judy - Why did Tom begin pumping gas before he got to the truck, did pumps just spew the shit out in the 60's after being lifted? - 2/5