Indian cricket skipper Virat Kohli has been accompanied by his new wife, actress Anushka Sharma, to South Africa for cricket series, but the social media is getting mad on the ‘Zero’ actress for Virat’s early out from the first Test match between the countries.
Skipper Virat came to the pitch for batting against the team of South Africa in their home grounds of Cape Town, for the first time after getting married to his lady love Anushka as the Indian crowd and wife cheered Virat.
Pakistanis troll Anushka-Virat honeymoon’s picture
However, the cricketer could not stay for a long time on the ground and went to the pavilion after just scoring the total runs of 28. Soon after India’s day one performance in the test match turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, the social media started trolling and blaming ‘PK’ actress Anushka for Virat’s weak performance.
This is not the first time social media users have blamed Anushka for Virat’s plunge. Last time, the Indian skipper took a stand for his then girlfriend and gave a shut up call to all the trolls saying, “Shame on people for trolling Anushka non-stop. Have some compassion. She has always only given me positivity.”