How Does an OTA Integrate Itself into a Hotel Channel Manager

in hotelsoftware •  11 months ago 

When an OTA (Online Travel Agency) integrates itself into a hotel channel manager, it allows the OTA to connect with the hotel's inventory and rates in real-time. Here's a general overview of how this integration typically works:

  1. API Integration: The OTA and the hotel's channel manager use an API (Application Programming Interface) to establish a connection between their systems. The API enables the exchange of data and communication between the two platforms.

  2. Contract and Configuration: The hotel and the OTA establish a business agreement, which includes terms and conditions for the distribution of the hotel's inventory through the OTA's platform. The channel manager is configured to facilitate this specific integration, ensuring the necessary data fields and mapping are in place.

  3. Availability and Rate Updates: The hotel channel manager updates the OTA with real-time availability and rates for different room types. Whenever there is a change in inventory or pricing, the channel manager sends the updates to the OTA, ensuring the OTA has the latest information.


  1. Reservations and Bookings: When a guest makes a reservation through the OTA's platform, the information is transmitted to the hotel's channel manager via the integration. The channel manager automatically deducts the reserved inventory from the hotel's available pool and confirms the booking in both systems.

  2. Synchronization: The integration between the OTA and the hotel's channel manager ensures that reservations and availability are synchronized across both platforms. This eliminates the risk of overbooking or discrepancies in inventory management.

  3. Modifications and Cancellations: If a guest modifies or cancels a reservation, the OTA sends the updates to the hotel's channel manager through the integration. The channel manager adjusts the inventory accordingly and updates the OTA with the changes.

  4. Reporting and Analytics: The integration between the OTA and the hotel's channel manager allows for the exchange of data related to bookings, revenue, and other metrics. This data can be used for reporting and analysis, providing valuable insights into the hotel's performance on the OTA's platform.

  5. Financial Settlement: The integration also enables the transfer of financial information between the OTA and the hotel. This includes details of bookings, commissions, and payment reconciliation, facilitating a streamlined financial process.

It's important to note that the specific integration process can vary depending on the OTA and the hotel's channel manager. Each OTA may have its own requirements and technical specifications for integration, and the hotel's channel manager should have the capability to support the desired OTA integration. The hotel's technology team or the channel manager provider can provide more specific information and support for the integration process.

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