My First Ever AMA Is Happening Today.

in hotseat •  7 years ago 


It is a little less than two hours to my first ever AMA session on this planet and I have no idea how to feel. I've been in front of my laptop since daybreak (that's about 9 hours straight) and I guess I have to stay till sleep takes me away by 1 am​ or 2 am​. So yeah I've not really had the time to think about how it's going to go down.

When I was first informed, I could picture the excitement in several people's head and how eager they'd be to ask questions. I mean, who would want to miss an opportunity to get words out of that guy that rarely talks? The announcement post dropped a few minutes ago and I'm probably just beginning to realize that this AMA is actually going to happen and it is REAL.

On one hand, it's intriguing to find out the questions people have always wanted to ask me. Someone was already pitying me in advance but I believe the questions should be fair enough since it's not anonymous 😈. Yes,​ I said that! I know y'all will want to respect yourselves and be as gentle as possible lol. What the heck?! I am fire 🔥

On the other hand,... it's still intriguing to find out the questions you've been itching to ask me!

Bring It On!

If you want to be a part of the AMA, you should hop here by 20:00 UTC+1 (8 pm​ Nigerian time). @gee1 will be the host of this special event.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I would be busy by 8pm, if not, I would have used Xpensive fire to quench your Fi-re with questions during the AMA :)

How dare you be busy?! 😈 We might still be on when you get back 🤷🏽‍♂️ Let's see how strong your fire is.

I will be taking medications by then, but I will come with the heat, you know what's up.

HOT SEAT TWINNIE. I got you. Hahaha

Oya na!


no comment 😈

We die here!


I swr down... Lol


On the hot seat!!

You are not really a talker? You will be fine man! Good luck!

Nah, no need being nervous, you're Fi, you've got this. ;-)

Nerve.. what? Fi never gets nervous! The Wolf never gets nervous! 🤣🤣🤣

Now this i gotta see

And see you will! 😈

My questions are typed already and awaiting 8pm to go go down...!!

Hope you do have ice with you cos it's gonna be damn hoit

Oops, I guess I arrived at the party late. You are fire, hahaha. I am matches, I light fire. My questions are intact, I hope to bring it on next time. Well done @fisteganos