House of Cards is an American political drama & web television series which produced by Bao Williams via Netflix. The first season of House Of Cards is based on the BBC's Bronze and Michael Dobbs series of books of the same name which premiered on February 1, 2013, particularly through Netflix's web streaming service.
Kevin Spacey stars as the representative Francis Underwood & the majority whip, who, with the help of his wife, Claire Underwood, ascended to the position of maximum power after assuming of the post of Secretary of State. Spacey was not included in the sixth and final season, as he was fired from the show for sexual misconduct. During the series, between February 1, 2013 and November 2, 2018, 73 episodes of House of Cards were released over six seasons.
Season 7 Releasing date
House of Cards Season 6 is now on Netflix, and you'll want to take the time to watch it, as these eight episodes mark the show's final season. Former lead Kevin Spacey was fired from the House of Cards after allegations of sexual harassment, so Robin Wright's Claire Underwood stepped down as the new president of the United States - even more ruthless than her late husband.
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This marks the end of the Netflix era, as it was the first original series produced by the House of Cards streaming service. House of Cards Season 1 released in February 2013, and the hype surrounding the show played a key role in attracting customers. Netflix has since expanded its original content slate, but with the cancellation of shows such as Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Sense 8, there's also a bit of a late cut. Let's take a look at why the sixth season of House of Cards will end, and whether there is any hope for a future renewal.
Season 6 Was The Final Season
Season 6 of the House of Cards will announce the final season, with BuzzFeed publishing an article a day after actor Anthony Rape alleged that Spacey had tried to have sex with him at a party when the rap merely She was 14 years old. Although not explicitly stated, it is clear that the scandal was a death knell for the series.
The allegations against Netflix Space, of course, could not be ascertained, and the release was complicated by the fact that the sixth season of "Clear vs Frank" was clearly announced the scheduled at the end of the Season 5 of House of Cards. Was In a strategic move, Frank resigned from the presidency with the intention of apologizing to Claire, who succeeded him as president. However, Claire had no interest in being dragged by her husband's tainted name, and instead, claimed her new leadership role with the stereotype of "my turn". House of Cards Season 6 manages the axis from the 5th to the 5th. When the final season begins, Frank Underwood is already dead, mysteriously dead in bed, and Claire has some new enemies to deal with instead.
Making Netflix House of Cards Season 7 is extraordinary
When it comes to the possible revival of a TV show, the general rule is "never say never". Netflix has revived TV shows such as Arrested Development and Glamor Girls and picked up the British Channel 4 series Black Mirror when it was on the verge of cancellation. However, it seems unlikely that Netflix which attaches great importance to its original content will ever allow House of Cards to run on any other platform like Amazon or Hulu, and Netflix. This show is unlikely to continue. That would mean that President Claire Hale's rule would effectively last forever.