in house •  2 years ago 

Hyksos rule might have been preceded by groups of Canaanite peoples who gradually settled in the Nile delta from the end of the Twelfth Dynasty onwards and who may have seceded from the crumbling and unstable Egyptian control at some point during the Thirteenth Dynasty.

The Hyksos period marks the first in which Egypt was ruled by foreign rulers. Many details of their rule, such as the true extent of their kingdom and even the names and order of their kings, remain uncertain. The Hyksos practiced many Levantine or Canaanite customs, but also many Egyptian customs.

This corresponds well with overall historical cause and effect narrative of which we see remnants in the old testament bible story of patriarch Abraham. The reconstructed history would be something like this:

Abraham learns about the soon coming Egyptian raid on Semitic mining operations at Sinai. He then makes a military alliance with Hittites, former Haties, goes to Egypt with his army and takes over the lower delta region, at the start of the 12th dynasty, by killing new Egyptian king, with the help of his half sister/ wife Sarah as we know from the bible, thus taking the throne under the name of Amenemhat I, by making alliance with Amun priests at Thebes, starting the royal house of Israel (Isis Ra Elohim). Meanwhile his Semitic family and friends who have followed him from Canaan have settled at Goshen in the East of the Nile delta.

By the end of the 12th dynasty more and more Canaanite Semites were moving to Egypt in hopes of better life than what they knew at Sinai desert peninsula where Semites have been smelting copper and mining turquoise for centuries, trading it with Sumerians, and regularly fighting off the Egyptian raids seeking free copper and slaves.

However these major changes have caused serious civil unreasts so that by the end of the 12th dynasty many Semites decided to separate from the Egyptians to have their own autonomy, which became known as the Hyksos rule during the second intermediate period. Complete chaos.

The order was eventually restored by king Ahmose founder of the18th dynasty, when the members of the royal house of Israel were forced to hide their Semitic, foreign, connections to Hyksos, and the 12th dynasty revolt, forcing most Hyksos either out of Egypt back to Canaan or to be assimilated as Egyptians.

The 18th dynasty was the height of incognito Semitic rule of Egypt producing biblical superstars such as kings David (Thutmose III), king Solomon (Amenhotep III), Queen Nefertiti, boy king Tutankhamun, and of course the most notorious and utterly controversial king Akhenaten aka Moses who led the final last two waves of Semitic and royal house of Israel exodus from Egypt, followed along by him believed and his beloved Atenists, the light worship cult, the hapiru (workers) people, the word Hebrew comes from it, and whatnot entourage of misfits and former nobles.

Then the journey of six days it took them apparently 40 years to cover, while reading Exodus part of the OT sheds light on Moses' blood thirsty murder of nearly half of his followers who dared to oppose or question his authority. The guy was obviously a disturbed murderous psychopath to say the least.

With them they brought the Egyptian worship of Ra practice which in Egyptian is tua ra, eventually becoming known as Torah, or the five books of Moses, or Tonach, or Pentateuch. It was thoroughly rewritten, along with Abrahamic Thebes/Luxor traditions scriptures, starting in Babylon from 587 BCE and finished around 200 BCE in Alexandria as OT bible we know and love, or hate, today. To conclude, most Semites really suck at ruling a stable empire.

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