5 Illegal Ways To Make Money Online

in how •  5 years ago 

Now kids, don't do anything bad. But we're gonna go over 5 different ways. 5 different illegal ways of making money online. So you know what to avoid. And I'm going to show you a few interesting resources here on my handy-dandy computer so that you know what to avoid. Check this out. Illegal ways to make money online. Now, I'm doing this video not to advocate making money through illegal methods online. Don't do illegal things, kids. What I'm doing this video is for to help educate you on what scams, what illegal practices are going on on the internet so that you don't fall into the trap and make a mistake that ends up costing you money or scams you out of you know, some of your things. So, without further ado, let's go over... I'm going to be going over five illegal ways that people use to make money online. And again, not advocating any of this. So, the first method of making money online is called carding. Carding or otherwise known as Phishing. Phishing with a P-H is collecting people's credit cards and really not giving them anything. iI's credit card scams. So, if you've ever logged on... If you've ever seen those spam emails where people say, you know, "Hey, log in to your PayPal account and you know give me your credit card. You have to update your credit card information." What it is is they're setting up usually a fake website that looks like PayPal in order to collect your credit card. And what people do with this data, they sell your credit card information or buy products with it, okay? Let's go to my computer and I'll show you real quick what I'm talking about. So, there's a whole Reddit subforum devoted to carding and phishing. You can see it on my screen right here. They've also got a forum an underground black-market carding forum. And you'll see here, you can actually buy and sell credit-card information for about 25 to 50 bucks. You get somebody's credit card info. You can sell it for 25 to 50 bucks. That's the market. And people do all sorts of stuff with it. They print up credit cards. They go to the store, they buy stuff, they do affiliate stuff with it. You know, they purchase affiliate products and make commissions. There are all sorts of things people do once they have somebody else's credit card information. That's the first thing. The second major illegal method of making money online is called blackhat marketing. Now, what blackhat marketing is, is it's essentially illegal marketing. It's making false promises using false endorsements. You know or doing spam email. Spam email is not allowed. So, any sort of illegal marketing tactic is considered blackhat. If you come with me to my computer, there's a whole forum. Again, they're sites on the internet about all this stuff. It's crazy, it's illegal. But this blackhat world is... It's mainly an SEO forum. But there are all sorts of blackhat and marketing methods that they go over on this. From spamming to fake endorsements etc. And you can find all sorts of stuff in here. Proxy data centers. People have to do a lot of technical things to skirt around all the rules when you're trying to be illegal. Because again, these companies such as Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc. They've seen a lot of these tactics before. So, before you even start to think about doing any of this stuff, keep in mind there are lots of safeguards in place for the average people to start. The third illegal method of making money online. It's kind of sad but it's crypto. Okay? It's crypto / Ponzi schemes. Cryptocurrency and the whole rage around Bitcoin and all this stuff has actually created a massive proliferation in Ponzi schemes. People are telling others that if they buy their cryptocurrency, they'll become a billionaire or a millionaire. But a lot of these company that is selling their own cryptocurrency really have no foundation, no company, no employees nothing to justify investing in their stock or their cryptocurrency. So, if you come over here with me and my computer, you'll see I just brought up a website that has a huge list. I mean this is unbelievable. It's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Ponzi schemes that have used cryptocurrency and Bitcoin in the last year or 2. In 2017, it became a fad to start your own cryptocurrency. And so many people start their own Ponzi schemes doing this. It's absolutely insane. So, before you invest in any cryptocurrency before. Keep in mind you may be investing in a Ponzi scheme. The fourth illegal method of making money online is one of the oldest in the world. Drugs. Selling drugs online is another major illegal method and just like in the real world, people sell drugs online. Now, the majority of drugs that are sold online... Keep in mind this is a highly illegal activity. The US government has Task Forces. Their international task forces to combat people selling drugs. Now, most of the drugs that are sold online are transacted using currencies such as Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies such as Manero or etherium. Now there was recently a high-profile case of a guy named Ross Ulbricht, who got sent to jail because he ran a site called the Silk Road. Which did hundreds of millions of dollars per year in drug transactions online? And this 23-year-old kid actually had hired hitmen to kill people that were conspiring to take down his digital world. Now, a lot of the drug-selling marketplaces online are highly anonymous. And they use different sorts of blockchain type protocol or decentralized currencies. Like cryptocurrencies and stuff (Manero and bitcoin) to sell a product to keep the buyer and seller safe. But that being said it is highly illegal. You know, there is a list of these market places on dark web news.com. The most famous marketplace online finding and selling drugs is called the dream market. But again, these are highly complicated to access. You need to be able to use tor or Onion Routing and all sorts of different stuff to even get on. So, it's even technical just to get started in these different sorts of things. So, you won't normally come across this in your day-to-day but it is out there and you do have to watch out for it. Now, the fifth and last legal wedded of making money online is a very common method. Piracy. Now, while you may think it's cool to be called a pirate. It's not cool kids. It's illegal. Don't be a pirate. But you can be it on like Assassin's Creed or something. Black flag. I play it. Love it, cool game. Play Assassin's creed black flag if you don't... Piracy is when you downloading or selling software that is illegal. If I were to download you know Tony Robbins DVDs and copy them and sell them online, that's his content. You can't sell Tony Robbins content kids. He needs to get a cut of that. Same thing with movies. Same thing with software. You know, there's a very famous case of a marketer called Jesse Wilms. J-E-S-S-E W-I-L-L-M-S. He was involved in everything. So, I think he was involved in piracy, he was involved in of millions of dollars because he was copying Microsoft Windows and selling it to people on eBay. And Microsoft didn't get paid anything he's just copying it and selling tens of thousands of units a week. So, he's just making a shitload of money doing that and he actually got taken hold of by the US FTC. And he had to pay a fine of hundreds of millions of dollars. I think in his case he doesn't... He didn't go to jail. He lives in Las Vegas or something. But the point is he was a pirate. He was taking a legal copy. He was selling legal copies of software. And one thing you want to keep aware of to prevent yourself from being a part of this is to make sure if you're buying software online, if it looks incredibly cheap, ding-ding-ding! It might be a pirated copy and you don't want to be caught in a legal scam. I had a friend that had to pay a huge fine because his company was found to be using pirated copies of some CRM software. Not good. So, you see here on Reddit. Reddit has a piracy forum where people are talking about what things people are doing to avoid piracy. So, keep that in mind. I hope that taught you a little bit about what illegal methods are online. If you like this video, tell me which particular topic you found the most interesting in the comments. And if you were part of any of this, if you have had your credit card information stolen from you or if you had you know accidentally bought pirated software, let us know in the comments as well. Because that's interesting and we want to help people avoid being a part of these illegal ways to make money.      

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5 Illegal Ways To Make Money Online

5 Illegal Ways To Make Money Online
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