How To Write Texts That Sell

in how •  4 years ago  (edited)

Words are magic, they will help you sell your products and services, make your potential buyer do certain actions, register to a newsletter, or refer customers for your business.


Pick with care the words you use, put them in the right context, and they will work for you. People are calling it copyrighting – a must have skill that any business owner, advertiser, marketer and everybody else should learn or improve.

Copywriting means writing text with the purpose of persuading a person or a group of people to take a particular action, usually to buy a product or a service.

This profession is one of the best paid in the world. There are companies that pay the very best copywriters with tens of thousands of dollars per project, and even more. Copywriters can make your business sell a few times more with their copy, this is magic, right?

How can YOU write texts that sell?

The easiest way to have a super sale text is to hire a top copywriter and pay him tons of money. But there is a huge downside. You will never learn copywriting.

You need to learn copywriting as this will help you in all situations – writing ads, writing product or service descriptions, writing emails (yes – copywriting will greatly help you write better emails too), and in your daily life.

So how can you write texts that sell? Actually, it is not that hard, you only need to study how copywriting works and adapt your text to a certain structure.

Copywriting structure that you can use right away

Use this basic copywriting structure when you are creating your text, it will help you keep in mind what you need to do.

• Hook

You only have a few seconds to catch your buyer’s attention.

Make him curious.

It is called the hook because it will make the buyer to further read. You’ve got him hooked when he spends time to see what is all about.

• Proof

Validate the information you provided with links, articles, or pictures.

• Common pains

Which are the common pains that your buyer has? Make a list of them.

• Introduce your product or service

Now it is the right moment to introduce your product or service to the buyer.

Show him that he can now solve all his common pains that you presented.

Write about all the benefits of your product or service.

• Payment and warranty

Until now, everything you wrote was a love story. Your buyer says in his mind yes, yes, yes, but now he sees that he needs to send you his hard-earned money.

Payment and warranty work extremely well together.

Think very well if you can use one of the following technics:

  • 30-day money back guarantee – no explanation needed
  • If you don’t get “THIS” done, we offer you 100% your money back.
  • You are not happy with the purchase? We refund you 100% and we let you keep the product.

When buyers see they can easily get their money back, they are much more open to make purchases and try products and services.

But be aware, if you put such clauses, be sure there will be people asking you for refunds.

What fonts should you use when writing texts that sell?

Fonts will play a major role in your copywriting.

You will need a powerful font for your headlines, and an easy to read font for the rest of your texts.

I won’t put here a list of fonts that work well in copywriting, I will do much more for you. I will present you a 100% free tool that you can use to identify the fonts you like from any place – websites, emails, and pictures.

You saw in the beginning that I highly recommend you learn or improve your copywriting skills. Now again I want you to learn how to search and identify your own fonts.

Be original (text, fonts, pictures, etc) and your copywriting will show you its magic. That is why I want you to learn these skills – copywriting and font identification.

The name of the tool is WhatFontIs, and it is a 100% free to use font identification tool. It is the only tool that has a huge database of over 620k indexed fonts, and the only system that identifies both free and paid fonts.

You can use to identify fonts directly from pictures. Take a picture of the font you like, upload it on their website, and after a few steps that will take you maximum 1 minute, you will find out the name of the font, if it is free or not, its price, and where to get it from. For each identified font, you will also get 60+ free and paid font alternatives. This is very useful when you find expensive fonts. The software will show you similar fonts that are free to use.

Install the WhatFontIs Google Chrome Browser Extension, and you can identify fonts from any website or email.

Go on all the websites that you like, and identify the fonts they use.

Spend 1-2 hours to identify all the fonts that you like and which you think that it will work in your copywriting.

Test them and see which ones are a perfect fit. Take your time to do the testing part.


Writing texts that sell is not difficult and you don’t need to hire the best people in the world to have your own money generating text.

Use the presented structure and pay attention to the font you pick. Check what other companies are doing and get your inspiration. This is how everything is being learned.

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