in how •  7 years ago 

The Guranteed Way Of Success.

It a sad reality that many people use most of their lives in the wrong places and doing the wrong things.For an illustration; some are in the wrong channel businesses which they partially started after losing their previous jobs due to their negligence or unfaithfulness.

For years they struggle in their business activities,failing to achieve anything meaningful and wonder why; But Jesus said in Luke 16:10-22; "He that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much,and if ye have not been faithful in that which another mans,who shall give you that which is your own?
I believe anyone can be successful if he aims to,and it is very relevant for you to be successful early in life.The scriptures says " Those that seek me early shall find me" [Proverbs 8;17]." But how early is 'early'?

You may ask ,early simply means as soon possible or as soon as you recieve instruction because the scriptures says " instructions will make you wiser"
Hear instructions, be wise and refuse it not [Proverb 8;8].Many back because they have nobody to lead/guide them or obstinately reject guidiance.This makes them struggle for a long time , till there is no more chances again.

Now the sure guranteed way to success ,the scriptures says in 2nd Timothy 3;16;"All scriptures is given by the inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine,reproof,correction,for instruction in righteousness"

God words has been rendered to you to assist you navigate your way and walk in the surely guranteed way of success.
It is only depends on how you pay attention to the word,receives instructions and act accordinlgy.

You can not live by the word and fail.Live by the word and be a Success!

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live by the word and be a Success!

Try to write everyday dear!

Yes.No problem I will work on that.