What is Zika virus and what are the symptoms?

in howthevirusistransmittedzika •  6 years ago 

Recently, many countries feared intelligence in the virus, especially pregnant women constitutes a threat to. We do know all the details of Zika virus.


Last time abrupt intelligence of the virus for the first time in the forest of the monkeys was seen in Uganda in 1947's intelligence , and the name also taken from here. Zika virus, spread through mosquitoes in Brazil in the month of May of 2015 erupted, caused the death of many people.


Zika virus first in 1947 in rhesus monkeys have been isolated and were seen as a coincidence. Then, in 1956, has been observed in humans for the first time in Tanzania. The epidemic in Africa the virus then seen as intellectual America, in Asia and the Pacific has been observed. Finally, zika virus erupted in Brazil so far, 51 have caused the baby's death.Against Zika virus has not been found a cure yet.

Pregnant women the virus is a huge threat in terms of intelligence that are the cause of neurodevelopmental disorders in infants. Research on the mosquitoes of the genus Aedesinfected pregnant women and newborn infants as a result of spreading the virus with the disease, a neuro-developmental disorder described as “microcephaly (small head)” it is stated that the possibility of the occurrence of the problem increased.



The World Health Organization (WHO), South America, grieves has announced that Zika virus have been encountered mainly in 23 countries. Intelligence that the virus still continues to spread in South America, Tropical Africa, Southeast Asia, Pacific Islands, Central and South America is common.

We often hear the name of the virus since 2010 has been for long years but recently intelligence has increased 30 times. A statement by health officials in Brazil 3.893 intelligence person diagnosed with the virus since the month of October and more than 3,500 babies have microcephaly (small head) it was indicated that the problem had been found.




The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes intelligence, especially pregnant women threaten. Their baby pregnant women infected with the virus in the case of“microcephaly (small head)” problem plays. Shrinkage and causing damage in the brains of unborn babies is a common cause of infant mortality.

One symptom that is for every 5 people infected with a virus, while non-pregnant and recently pregnant won't get to those who are not a threat. At first, the virus human-to-human transmission is possible, although it was expressed that recently it was observed that the virus were infected through sexual contact.

Do we have a vaccine that will provide protection or treatment against Zika virus yet. Zika virus protection against Flies is located in the regions where individuals expressed themselves, and, on average, should not get pregnant within 1 year..



In the case of Zika virus transmission is usually the normal cold symptoms are seen.However, no symptoms in some people infected with the virus of intelligence were not found.In the case of the virus within an infected person when symptoms are observed approximately 1 Week in some people the virus remained in the blood longer, it is stated that standing for a few days.

  • Fire
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Redness of the eye
  • Nov and joint pain
  • Rash


Any treatment method has been developed yet against Zika virus. As the average has 10 years developing an effective method of treatment for experts. However, Brazil argues that a vaccine against Zika virus can be developed in 5 years from some officials.

Other epidemic diseases, as well as intelligence, it is stated that the virus was not having any effect on antibiotic use, analgesic and antipyretic drugs could be reduced, it is stated that most of the symptoms of the disease. Intelligence experts have detected a virus and recommends that you should take plenty of fluids the rest of the persons.


Zika virus experts against the need of people long-sleeved clothing to protect themselves by using insect repellant and wearing drugs recommends. Medicate the water in which they are located through various measures, such as flies or drain wetlands in the region in these areas should prevent them from the shelter.

Zika virus protection Virus Alert was issued in the name of intelligence to be postponed or cancelled trip to the region are very important to prevent the spread of the virus. At the same time, the virus zika is located in the areas where women, on average, to refrain from getting pregnant for 1 year is recommended.


Located in our news, written and compiled from different sources of visual content to be created, a letter of suggestions and information. Constitutes the definitive diagnosis and treatment. In the face of any health problem contact your doctor.

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