Best Advice for Content Creators: Persistence!

in howto •  7 years ago 


Content creation is a double-edged sword: on one hand, it pushes you to new creative boundaries that were previously unexplored. The end result is literally a work of art or science that simply did not exist before. But on the other end of the scale, content creation can be incredibly frustrating. Months, even years, can pass by before you get noticed by major players.

While we content creators enjoy the process in producing new works, we, nor any individual, can labor for free. As a result, the creative process is often subjugated by the wayside in favor of -- or more aptly put, in necessity of -- working to pay the bills. I encourage everyone on social media, whether its Steemit or any other platform, to do whatever it is you have to do. But don't get discouraged by initial results of content creation -- more than hard work, persistence is the key.

Effort is important; however, the "social media gods" are arbitrary. One work can get all manners of viewership, praise, and ad-revenue. A comparative and seemingly superior work will barely get double-digit traffic. What gives? I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that. But to enjoy the potential benefits of a viral or heavily-trafficked content, you must stay in the game.

As the old saying goes, "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

My encouragement is keep taking the shots. When you feel like you can't take another, go out there and do exactly that. When frustration boils over, let it boil over. When the waves have subsided, take that shot. Certainty only exists in acquiescence. Potential is boundless, and by nature, uncertain.

To be able to grow, and to achieve success, you have to wade into the waters of uncertainty. The irony is that success will certainly find you -- given enough time and enough persistence. It's just simple math. But if you sit still, the "probability" is rendered 0%.

When you do find traction, you're going to see that success often rides waves of success. It's an exponential scale that makes up for the commitment of time and effort that you put into yourself and into your work.

A prime example is US-China News, an information aggregator that recently republished my article, "Why Japanese Beer Stocks Could Be the Next Big Play of 2017." Originally published at, US-China News picked it up. I find this strange because the Chinese have historical animosities towards Japan and would rather not deal with anything Japanese-related, unless it is a negative portrayal.

Clearly, this article bucked the trend. And I'd like to think that one of the reasons why is that I focused on my craft. When times were lean, I didn't wax poetic introspectively. I kept hitting the road, and striving for better -- better content, better engagement, better quality.

In the end, it's the integrity of the work that allows even those who have opposing views to appreciate the effort that went into it. That can only be achieved by persisting in all circumstances.


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I agree with you wholeheartedly; as a content creator, I also had the emotional ups and downs; it really felt like a roller coaster sometimes. Given that the majority of users are in the U.S. and many have day jobs, maybe evening postings garner more attention? It could be time of day, content quality, or just luck of being out there at the right time (without getting too scientific). But one thing is for sure. Persistence is key, and will get us through. As you said, let's Steem on! (and hey, I haven't forgotten about your scientific research on Steem price analysis ;-))

Yes, yes, and yes! You gotta keep your name in the running and persistence is the only way that's possible -- unless of course you have a bot that can mimic human emotions! And yeah, I'm working on my scientific analysis, but I'll have to start with bitcoin first as I can't find great data on STEEM yet. But don't worry -- I think this will be VERY relevant to the future of STEEM! :)

To be in the 1% you have to do what the 99% won't do. I'm right there with you.

Yup, amazing point there, thank you!

Good stuff again!

Thank you, I appreciate that!

Favourite line -- "I kept hitting the road, and striving for better..."

I posted a video today about how to become a better writer (, and that line you wrote beautifully sums up everything I was trying to say. Nicely done.

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words! :)