The Social Media Pyramid Method.steemCreated with Sketch.

in howto •  8 years ago 

The concept of the Social Media Pyramid is simple. Use all of your Social Media accounts from varying platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Youtube to grow each other, while generating leads and sales at the same time. The information that is about to be covered will completely change how you use social media. Once you learn how to use the Social Media Pyramid your previous results from social media will seem like nothing. Your clients, fans, and yourself will be amazed at how fast your social media accounts grow and how fast the sales to your offers grow.

Now let's dig into some details of how this style of social media management works and what will be required to create your own Social Media Pyramid. Just like trickle down economics the Social Media Pyramid is meant to trickle down followers from your largest following on social media to your smallest. Also trickling down traffic to your website because all of your social media accounts will point to your website. So as your social media accounts grow in size so will the traffic to your website.

So here's the requirements to get started. To get started you will need to have a Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Youtube accounts. Also you will need your own website with either a email capture or product. I assume that most of you at least have your own website. Why else would you be looking into free forms of traffic and promotion? Anyways if you don’t have any of those things go out and create those accounts now.

Here are some useful links in doing so.
So now that you have a website, and all your social media accounts let's get into the strategies of building your social media influence. First we are going to go over the methods to getting followers and building a loyal audience on Twitter and getting exposure to your website or product.

To be successful and have a big following on twitter one must first understand the limits and rules that twitter has. Starting with a new account when you first begin to follow new people you will be limited to only following 2,000 people. If you're thinking that 2,000 people is a lot trust me it's not. The general follow back rate of real people that would be interested in your service or product is roughly twenty five percent. What you also must understand about twitter is that once you reach that limit of following 2,000 people you cannot follow anymore people untill your own following reaches 2,000 followers. Once you reach that 2,000 limit your new limit is following 500 new people a day. Also note that the same rules apply to unfollowing people and you cannot follow and unfollow people on the same day. You have to do your following and unfollowing in cycles to avoid being temporarily banned for “churning”.

You're probably thinking with the twenty five percent follow back average how the heck do you grow your twitter to epic proportions following and unfollowing people while staying within the rules of twitter. The answer is simple social media exchanges. Specifically the exchange which I find has the best results in terms of quality and capability. Not to mention addmefast is totally free to use. You just have to watch a youtube video or favorite someone else's tweet on twitter. Those were just a few examples there many ways to earn points on addmefast.

Anyways the point is to earn points on addmefast and then use those points to boost your follower count on twitter. So that once you reach a new limit on how many people you can follow, you can just break that limit using addmefast.
For example say you were following up to your beggining limit of 2,000 people. Let's say you have 100 followers at the time. Once you try to follow another person twitter blocks you from following that person because you have reached your follow limit. So then you use addmefast to boost your follower count to 3,000. This now means that you can follow 3,000 people as your new limit 1,000 more than the original limit.

Let's talk results for a quick minute. Using the numbers from the example if you followed 3,000 people and you divided that by the average follow back rate of twenty five percent. You should gain 750 new followers that are highly targeted and hand picked by you. That's 750 new followers that will engage on your tweets and click your links to your product or service.

Now that you understand the concept of boosting let's go over some ways to gain more valuable followers that could be potential buyers. The first way of doing that is to put hashtags in your tweets. This will drastically increase the amount of impressions your tweets will get. The reason being is that people search for relative hashtags to view the tweets and content within them. Acting as a master directory for the specific hashtag that you choose.

Doing this effectively can be hard for people that don't understand how to use them correctly so I will briefly go over how to construct a tweet using hashtags to their full potential. For example someone who has a product on how to make money online might tweet something like this “Check out my product on how to make more money online #internetmarketing”.

That's just one example just use the hashtag for your niche. I understand that all of you might not know how to find the right hashtag to use when tweeting a specific product. So to help you out here's the website I use when trying to figure out what hashtags will get the best results.
The second way is to like relevant tweets from people you're following or even important people within your niche. When choosing which tweets to favorite you need to keep a few factors in mind. Make sure that each tweet you favorite is either from someone you currently follow, or a person you want to follow you. Another thing to consider is favoriting tweets that are the top tweet of a specific hashtag. That way when other people view the post they will see your picture and twitter profile link.

The third way is making twitter lists. This feature is relatively new on twitter which is why i'm going to explain how to use it for the best results. To create a list subscribe to someone else's list and then you should see the word lists on your twitter profile page next to likes. Then once you click lists on the lists page you should see a button that says create new list. Create your list and name it something you think would be flattering for people in your niche to be added too. For example your niche is make money online so you name your list “Future millionaires”.

After you have your list setup with the name you feel satisfied with using start adding people to your list that fit your niche. To add new people to your list click the more user actions button next to other people's twitter profiles and click add to list. When choosing who to add a list pick people that you would want to follow you or take action on your tweets.

The fourth and final way is to automate direct message responses when someone follows you. This is a great way to get free traffic on autopilot. The direct message automatin tool I prefer to use is

After getting your crowdfire setup it's time to start thinking about what you are going to write as your auto direct message. Generally the best use of auto direct messages is to say a brief thank you followed by check out my website here with a link. An example would be “ Thank you for following check out my product on how to make money online (link here)”.
Now that you have a good understanding of twitter let's move onto the next social media platform. The next platform we are going to go over is Pinterest. Using Pinterest can be a great way to get create backlinks. Every Pinterest post that has a link to your website will count as a PR10 backlink.

Lets begin to understand how Pinterest works. Similar to twitter Pinterest is a follower based system. Also like twitter you can use and benefit from hashtags. The demographics of Pinterest is mostly women. Things like fashion, food, furniture, and many other niches that women would buy products from. When you first start Pinterest the amount of people you can follow is 2,000. Once again very similar to twitter. Another thing to note is you must follow and unfollow on separate days to avoid getting banned.

So just like with twitter the game plan is to follow your limit of 2,000 people. Then use addmefast to break your follow limit. Besides following other people there other great ways to get Pinterest followers. One way to grow your Pinterest is by creating a board and pinning pictures. The more content the post the more people that will see your profile. Make sure to use hashtags in the descriptions of your pins. Controlling a hashtag with your pin can bring in lots of followers as well as traffic. Generally the same hashtags that work on twitter for your niche will work on Pinterest.

Another way to get followers on Pinterest is liking other people's pins. The best use likes on Pinterest is to find a popular hashtag that fits the niche of your products and like all of the small people that look like potential customers. Look for people that genuinely look interested in your niche. Don't automatically like all of the big pins. Just use the big pins to find the real people that you want the attention from.

Commenting on popular pins can be a very effective means to gain new followers. Doing so will get you seen and if you have something relevant to say people will thank you with a follow. Sometimes even a repin or likes come as a result of doing so. Try and comment as much as possible.
That's really all to know about Pinterest. Moving on Facebook is the next social media platform to master. On Facebook it's all about how many likes and active members your fan page has. So if your product or business does not currently have a fan page go create one. Its very easy to set up and make sure to keep the profile picture and the background picture nice.

In the description of your fan page you can add a link to your website. So take advantage of that. Unfortunately Facebook cannot be boosted by using addmefast. This is because Facebook actively bans account with a suspicious amounts of liking activity. Don't be fooled by the category on the addmefast website. Save your points and don’t use them on Facebook.

All that being said Facebook will be much harder to build an audience on. However the audience you create on Facebook will be very fruitful and highly targeted. The quality of users on Facebook is without a doubt the highest grade. Not to mention how many people use Facebook. With the right strategy and work ethic building a large fan page can be easy.

The best way to start getting likes on your fan page is inviting your friends and family to like the page. Nothing better than the support of those who care about you. Whenever your family and friends share your content others will see it. In a since its free advertising. This is the best way to boost on Facebook. It can give you the start that you need.

Besides your personal networks lets now go over the free ways to get more likes using other people's fan pages. This will require some research. Since Facebook does not use any hashtags you will have to look for fan pages by name. Often times you can find pages just by searching the exact name of your niche. For example if you typed in internet marketing into the Facebook search a ton of fan pages would show up. When you have found a page that has a lot of active people on it start commenting on posts.

Something that is quick and simple to do is just comment with a meme. There lots of memes on the internet for most anything you can think of. Using memes can save you time and you can use them over again on the next page you find that you want to get likes from. Also on while on the subject of memes they make for quick and easy posts on your wall. Its great for adding more beef and content to your wall. Not to mention more content always means more actions and new likes from others sharing.

Facebook ads are a great way to get new leads and sales. By far Facebook has the most quality users. Doing Facebook ads can get serious results and you don't have to start with a huge amount. You can test small dollar amounts no problem. When you make a Facebook ad use quality pictures of your product or logo. Write clean text that makes since to the buyer.

Make sure to have a signup button on your fan page. It's a unique feature to Facebook and a great way to build a list. If you don't have an auto responder I recommend using mailchimp even has a free service. For every like you get a percentage of those people will also click your signup button and sign up to your email list. It really brings a huge value to Facebook especially when you are paying for Facebook ads.

Another great way to get more likes on Facebook is uploading videos to your wall. Everyone loves watching videos these days. Plus when you create a video for Youtube you can also post it on Facebook. They are two different video platforms. Videos typically get the most engagements on Facebook. They look great on your Facebook wall and when people share it you get more exposure.

To sum up Facebook in a nutshell it's mostly for building lists and engaging with current customers. Its very powerful for building a list of customers. Just if you want quick results with Facebook it will cost you money to buy ads. There some free methods like I have mentioned above but those take time and effort. Developing a big fan page is definitely worth it though.
Now that you know Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook it's time to explain Youtube. If you do not currently have a Youtube channel go create one. When getting started with your channel make sure to have a nice profile picture and background picture. Make sure to connect your social media accounts in the settings. Also make sure to put your website link on your Youtube channel page. If you create original content and give away your own content through Youtube videos you can get Youtube partnership.

Youtube partnership can be new source of income for your business or for yourself. Just like Google Adsense Youtube partnership pays you by the click. Every time someone watching your video clicks on the ad you make money. People who get millions of views on Youtube make a lot of money.

What I like most about Youtube is its SEO power. You can link as many things as you want in the descriptions of your Youtube videos. Since Youtube is a Google company Google gives preferential treatment in the Google pagerank standings in searches. This means that if you use the right tags and anchor text in your descriptions of your Youtube videos you can land that video in the top of Google. If you put your links in the descriptions of your Youtube videos those links will get traffic from that video. That Youtube video will also count as a backlink.

Now let's go over some ways to get subscribers. The easiest way to get new subscribers is to leverage your larger social media accounts. Tweet and Pin the links to your Youtube videos. Doing this will bring over your loyal fans from all your social media following to your videos. Thus giving your videos more views and your channel more subscribers.

The more content you produce the better. Doing a series of videos works best on Youtube. It's a general rule that the more content you produce the more your channel will be seen. That is ultimately everything to the success of having a lot of subscribers. Having your videos seen and your channel seen by others. Make sure to share your videos with your friends.
Another strategy to getting subscribers on Youtube is to get other Youtubers in the same niche to give your channel a shout out. Kind of like a you scratch my back i'll scratch yours sort of deal. The more shout outs you get from other Youtubes the better. Remember it's all about getting more exposure. Just to give you an idea of what to say to people when you want a shout it i'll do an example. “Hey fellow Youtuber I have 2,000 followers on twitter give a shout out to my channel in your next video and I will tweet a shout out to your channel”. I have found that most people are friendly and willing to work with others. So don't be afraid to ask!

Whenever you comment on someone else's Youtube video people will see your Channel. This is yet another great way to get new subscribers and views. Just try to sound smart and composed at all time. Comment how you would want others to comment on your videos.

Here's why Youtube was the last to be explained. Youtube is bottom of the Social Media Pyramid. Making Youtube videos provides content for all of your social media accounts. As well as driving new traffic from Youtube plus a Google Friendly backlink from Youtube. So after you get your other social media accounts to have high follower counts use Youtube to get even more followers and make more money.

The second section of the Social Media Pyramid is Facebook. After you upload a new video to Youtube go ahead and upload that same video to Facebook. Posting links to your content on Facebook is a great way to get free traffic to your website. Also Facebook signup buttons make it easy to build a list. So really take advantage of all the previous content mentioned.

The third section of the Social Media Pyramid is Twitter. I love Twitter because it's the easiest to grow a large following on it. Plus Twitter is Youtube friendly so make sure to tweet out links to your Youtube videos. What also makes Twitter great is the traffic it can give your websites. Always leverage hashtags in your tweets.
The fourth section of the Pyramid is Pinterest. Pin your Youtube videos on Pinterest to get more views. Pinterest can be used for backlinks to your website. Unlike the other social media platforms pins on Pinterest count as real backlinks. If you have a clothing store or something relevant for women Pinterest will be the best social media platform for you to use.

Finally the top of the Social Media Pyramid is your website. Ultimately the purpose for using social media in the first place is to drive more traffic to your website. All of the new traffic coming from social media will be sure to boost numbers in both sales and email signups. Not to mention with all the buzz on social media your Google Pagerank will become higher. Another thing that will boost your Google Pagerank is all of the backlinks from your social media to your webpage. Make sure to have links to all of your social media platforms on your website. That is how Google knows those are linked to your website.

Just as a bonus i'm going to cover more ways to use social media to get more traffic to your website or products. In this bonus information I will be going over how to use reddit to get tons of free traffic and building an Instagram following. Using Reddit to promote your content is awesome. Instagram is like the icing on top of the Social Media Pyramid.

Let's get started with Reddit. To get started using Reddit you must sign up for an account here The signup is so simple you don't even have to sign up with an email just a username and password. What makes Reddit so unique is its subreddit system. So the first thing to look for is a subreddit that fits your specific niche. Here is an example of a subreddit that internet marketers would use

On the side bar of a subreddit is where you will find a lot of useful links. One useful link you should always check out before posting on a subreddit is the subreddit rules. Each subreddit has different rules and policies on what you can post on them. Some allow you to advertise your websites, and other will not allow it. Others are strict on links, and some are not strict on links.
Here is the magic to posting on Reddit. On the sidebar of each subreddit it shows how many people are subscribed to that subreddit and how many people are currently viewing that subreddit. For example the subreddit marketing has 57,278 subscribers and 44 people online now. When you post a link or submit a text post with your link in it that means 44 people will see it. With the potential for 57,278 people seeing it in the future. Your post will be on the feeds of 57,278 people when you post to that subreddit.

What determines the success of your posts on Reddit is the number of upvotes your post gets. Along with how much link and comment karma your account has built up. Also the more comments your post gets the better. It bumps your post in the category Conversational of a subreddit. Some people even use multiple accounts to boost their own posts just to get seen more. After all the Reddit account making process is kind of loose.

How I use Reddit to my advantage is looking for multiple subreddits that has similar content to what I create. Then adding up all of the subscribers of those subreddits to get a huge number of potential customers and clicks to my website. Imagine your links on the feeds of five equivalents to the marketing subreddit. If every time you posted your content to five big subreddits you would get tons of free traffic. The potential is huge!

Here are some links to useful subreddits with their total subscriber counts. - 29,133 subscribers. - 33,507 subscribers. - 11,979 subscribers. - 52,723 subscribers. - 115,470 subscribers.
Instagram is a fusion between Twitter and Pinterest. It uses the follower system. Instagram is all about posting pictures and videos. Since most of Instagram's users are on mobile it reaches a more broad audience. However just like with Twitter you can use Hashtags in your posts to target a specific audience. Instagram is good for promoting bands, clothing lines, crafts and products. Anything that you can take a lot of pictures of will do great.

Just like Twitter and Pinterest, Instagram can be boosted with addmefast. Instagram also has the same initial follow limit as Twitter. So go follow up to the follow limit of 2,000 ASAP. Then once you reach your follow limit break that limit using addmefast. Follow and unfollow people on different days in cycles of 500 just like with Twitter.

Hashtags on Instagram are important and you can use lots of hashtags in one post. Each hashtag you enter in your post has a chance to get more traffic and likes for that post. Liking and commenting on other people's posts will build a relationship with that person. The goal is to create groups of people to like and comment on each and every one of your posts. In exchange that you do the same for them.

Crowdfire also works with Instagram. So you can get free traffic from your followers on Instagram automatically. You can even use the exact same message you created for your twitter to save time.

That concludes all of the content in the bonus and The Social Media Pyramid. I hope my content has helped you to better understand how to use your social media accounts. If you have any questions about social media or the content covered you can send me a direct message on Twitter @joeytrend is my profile. To sum up everything start with Twitter. Grow that to a decent size then work on Pinterest. Once your Pinterest is big start working on Facebook. After Facebook get your Youtube started and create videos. Then use all of your resources and pull them together. Use each of the to benefit the other. Youtube for videos and social media for traffic.

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