5 ESSENTIAL tips for dog owners - Keeping your dog cool this Summer

in howto •  9 years ago  (edited)

As a dog owner it is a constant worry about the well-being of your dog in the Summer months.

It is 30 degrees celsius here in the UK (86 degrees fahrenheit) and it is too much for my lovely black lab Boo (aka Boodidley).

He’s 16 years old and still behaves like a puppy. I love him to bits, however with the uncomfortable heat, he’s struggling to even go for his daily walks. It occurred to me that surely other dog owners have the same concerns.

So, this lead me onto visiting searchtrade on finding out ways to keeping my bestie cool.

This is what I have found useful:

  • Walk him (or her) first thing in the morning or late at night as these are cooler parts of the day .

  • Decrease the intensity or length of the walk. I usually walk Boo around our local park however in this weather we are only doing half of what we normally do .. if that. Depends how the old boy is doing. Usually he’s walking in front wanting to play with other doggies but lately he’s but next to me or even behind me, due to the heat.

  • Keep your dog well hydrated and watch out for dehydration. As you know dogs don’t sweat, they cool off by panting so an overheated dog will drool excessively. They will become lethargic and eyes may be bloodshot.
    Dogs with darker coats may suffer more, as the darker coats absorb more heat
    (poor Boodidley, he’s black!)
    Also, overweight dogs are at risk of dehydration so carry a bottle of water during your

  • Exploring alternative ways to keep your dog warm. Not many people in the UK have air conditioning, therefore we need to find other ways to cool down our best friend. You can find a shaded part of your garden and set up a kiddie pool. laying down a cold/wet towel, or simply put a block of ice in front of a fan (visiting Las Vegas in August gave me this idea)

  • Bottoms Up! Spray your dog's’ paws and stomach with ice cold water, don't just focus on the top of their coat.
    Take your dog to the beach and let them play in the water. This will be fun and cool them down at the same time.


#dog #summer #tips #howto #mansbestfriend #doglovers #dog-lovers #cute #photography

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oh my gosh, so cute!!