Stop Making Trash Coffee - Daily Blog 035

in howto •  6 years ago 


Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks it the entire world. However many people don't know how to make a great cup of joe. There are a few quick ways to push your morning drink to the next level without much hassle.

1. Grind

The first step everyone should start out with is grinding their coffee as they need. Stop buying pre-ground coffee because once the bean is ground into a powder, it goes stale very fast. There are decent grinds online for under fifty USD. The first one my wife an I had was the Cuisinart DBM-8 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill.

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I haven't been grinding my own coffee but I imagine it makes a lot of difference. It would certainly be more fresh and less oxidized. I really should start doing this myself. Good advice :)

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Yes! You will be amazed at how bad pre-ground coffee is the next time you need to drink any.

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