in howto •  7 years ago 

Gardens = food and free garden plants - free food.

Gardening and growing your own food can be intimidating. Just trying to grow a tomato may seem like a daunting enough task, so propagating may seem out of your skill level. Trust me, it's not. In this video, I'll show you just how easy it is to turn one tomato plant into many more!



I'm going to make this really simple and not waste words here. If you look at the image above, you'll see part of a tomato plant in a bucket of potentially "yucky" water. I accidentally broke that piece off of one of my tomato plants about a week ago. Since I did not want to waste it, I dropped it into this random bucket that was in my garden. It had a few rocks and a little rainwater in it. The piece of the tomato plant has just been sitting in this bucket for the past week, in the hot sun in the garden. Nothing more...

When the piece of the plant is lifted, you are able to see tons of roots growing from the plant. Amazing, huh? Yup, it's just that simple. Now, I've planted this broken piece with the roots growing on it, and I've got another tomato plant for free. If you have never done so, you should try it!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai



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That was wayyy to simple.
I couldn't believe it.
Got to try it.

#truestory - Totally simple.

That's a great trick! Thanks for sharing it. I will definitely keep this in mind if I ever break off a branch from my tomato plants.

Interesting, never tried this.

I'm just doing some tidying up of my tomato plants at the moment. I will give it a go.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

That's interesting!

Wow, papa-pepper. In all my years I have never propagated tomato plants and look what I have been missing out on! Starting now, I will be doing this and getting more free tomato plants.

Propagation with roots after a plant has been in the water is one of the easiest ways, and like you said, anyone can do it. I did not yet tried with tomatoes but did with some other plants. I have to be honest and say that luckily, we do not have to try that much in my country since you can get a plant from anyone who has it but I think it is similar all over the world. People who grow their own food are always happy to share their plants so most often if one person has something, it will give his neighbors a sampling to grow it for themselves. Thank you for sharing this 💚

Thank you for checking this out!

It had tomatoes in the title, how could I have not? :D

I got a tomato plant growing and a few other things. I’m hoping the tomato is that easy as I would love to have a crazy amount of them even more so if I can just cut off a piece once it gets bigger and try get a free plant out of the deal.


Had my first Jalapeno show up the other day. I did not even notice it till I was looking over the photos I took. It is going go into some salsa at some point. I just don’t know when it is considered “ready.” I could swear it just showed up over night.

I thought I was keeping a close eye on things as I was dealing with some nasty thing eating the leaves

How much fence have you got to grow them on?
The wildlife will love your place, free food, and no fence to jump either.

I hadn't really thought of propagating tomatoes since I've always either grown them from seeds or I bought start plants. That's awesome they're so easy to propagate though. Then you can have an even bigger yield at the end of the season than you would have otherwise. Great gardening hack.

Yup, really easy.

Is this the best way to propogate pepper plants too? I would really like to try taking cuttings at the end of summer, to keep some growing indoors for the winter, rather than start over from seed.

Sweet taters are also a good one to propagate like that.

Sure thing!

Oh no... I just throw away my tomoto tree that stop growing and started to dry. If not I just soak it in the water like you did and it might grow back roots again... haiz...

Incredible you, I just know that tomato plants can grow in water. This is very useful for me. Thank you @papa-papper

Wow this is cool,Karja you already get the results of friends.

That was good, @papa-pepper. Hah.


Never tried fact never thought you could even do that! Thanks for another amazing tip sir! I will make sure to try it...what do I have to lose?

An accidental clone, nice. If you wanted you could also cut the top off of a potato plant and splice that on there and then you will have a potato tomato plant.

I never realised tomatoes would do that.

I'll try that out next spring ;-)

The tomato is one resiliant plant...especially the cherry variety! Every year I find little plants popping up all around the garden, the seeds having survived a few months of heavy snow. It's just amazing....