Why Complain About Whales? - Catch Them Instead!

in howto •  8 years ago  (edited)

SteemIt is a new ecosystem and we're all still finding our way through it. Any new experiment is bound to have failures, successes, hecklers, supporters, and above all complaints that the system isn't what was expected. Like any experiment, I propose we learn from our failures, celebrate our successes, ignore our hecklers, thank our supporters, and attempt to resolve complaints by looking below the surface and figure out what's really going on.


How to Catch a Whale

Decline Payout options

Novelty is adulated on SteemIt. If you are reposting content from elsewhere on the Web, it's my opinion you ought to be adding value to the original poster's content. @quantumanomaly has shared that sentiment in a few episodes of Steemit Talk Podcast. If you simply want to share content that you believe stands on its own merits, then select Decline Payout.

@smooth tags pie chart
Hardly a common interest betwixt us.

Aside from ensuring novelty in your articles, you can take several steps to help ensure your posts get seen. Different people are interested in different topics. Whales are no different. Have a look at the topics on which @smooth votes. For example, with tags like art, photography, story, food, and steem-meme this whale isn't in my target demographic. This doesn't mean that I'm going to change my content to try creep onto his radar. Doing so wouldn't be true to myself; it wouldn't be authentic. Unlike much of the world, authenticity is another key to success on SteemIt.

Instead, having this information means that I should look to a different whale. After all, I already have in mind what kinds of people are in my demographic. Most of them will be minnows. But for more minnows to see my content and to feel more rewarded for my work, I'll look for a whale that is interested in what I'm already interested in. In this way you can establish a kind of silent patronage with a whale. This also doesn't mean I will eschew whales who are outside of my demographic. Never burn bridges. I specifically use @smooth as an example because even though he's outside of my target demographic, he has still upvoted some of my posts.

@dantheman topics pie chart
Find people who care about what you care about.

On the other hand, have a look at @dantheman's most voted tags. Some of these, like philosophy, economics, steemit, and steempotential are things I am interested in. I have yet to write any articles on philosophy, but several have been brewing. Knowing there is a whale out there that is also interested in this topic makes it more likely that I will write about this interest sooner. This doesn't mean I am kowtowing to the whales. As a curious human being I have many topics in which I'm interested. This technique simply helps me better plan which topics to write about next.

Good posting isn't just about topic, though. It's also about time of day. I'm not into fishing myself, but I heartell you catch more in the early morning than you do in the afternoon. So, once you've found 3 or 4 whales that have common interests with you, look at when they comment and upvote.

@dantheman upvote graph by hour
Post before they usually vote, not after. All times UTC.

@dantheman upvote graph by day
As with all social media sites, certain days of the week see more activity than others.

As you can see, the time of day this very article is being posted is pretty good. This makes sense as evening is just setting in here in the States. If I wanted to maximize the potential for reaching @dantheman specifically with this post, I'd be posting on a Sunday. There are, however, other factors at play. For example, my previous post got some decent attention, so I want to ride that wave as best I can.

As I said above, we are all experimenting in the sandbox of this new paradigm. So, let's experiment constructively! Let's build each other up, so we all succeed via the blockchain!!

One final note I feel is regrettably necessary to make:


It's awkward, it's rude, and a flood of them is a pain in the neck. Have you ever just stopped using an email address because you have so much SPAM? Well, consider that the next time you are thinking of messaging someone. Certainly DM legit questions, especially when people advertise how they can be contacted. But, whatever you do, do please do not drive people from the SteemIt by contributing to the filling of their inboxes. This is covered as part of @thecryptofiend's wonderful unofficial Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide.

Thanks go out to the SteemIt Talk Podcast for alerting me to the presence of CatchAWhale.com via SteemTools.com.

Edit: It's not always easy to post at the day or time we most desire to. This is why I agree with @sykochica we need a Hootsuite for SteemIt. I'm looking at you @faddat

All proper respect goes out to @blueorgy for creating Catch a Whale.

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  • Balaenoptera musculus:
    • Source: NOAA Photo Library
    • Licence: Attribution 2.0 Generic
    • Color retouched by me, Rubellite Fae.
  • All other images clipped by me, Rubellite Fae, from machine generated images at CatchAWhale.com
Rubellite Fae's signature
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Nice use of my site ;) no mention of me tho? Glad to see the site still utilized (update coming soon , once I get a moment ) also Smooth did upvote you after using him as an example which is good.

You are right! My mistake. 😅 I saw your name on the left-hand menu when I first used the site, but totally spaced at crediting you as a person and just credited the site. Will fix that.
lol Yeah, I saw that smooth upvote. Maybe it was the steemit tag? Ironically I used dantheman as the counter example and he's never upvoted me. But, as I said above I've yet to write any pure philosophy posts.

How often do u suck Dork?

youre on a roll lol


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Looking forward to catch one ;) Thanks for this article. Nominated you for curie :)

if they are curating, they may not vote for posts which have not been up for a few hours
and remember folks: write now, post later :D

A problem of proper timing. But absolutely true! Only I don't find the time to write in advance.

Very good tips. That's the attitude to take if you want to succeed

Better yet, BECOME ONE


Great post for people to be aware of.

Thanks! I hope it helps

Really good post. Upvoted and Resteemed. :)

Oh! Thanks so much✨

Thanks I hadn't heard of catchawhale.com. very informative post, subbed.

Glad to help! Thanks for the sub!! 🎉

Upvoted and well done. Enjoyed the article and found it immensely useful.

Excellent! 💖 I'm hoping to see more and more successful minnows come together to make this site amazing!

Nice, intelligent post!

Thanks so much! ✨

You've done very well with that post.

Keep it up and you'll keep growing as you add real value and substance to the community.

I just reached over 700 followers today, so it happens quick sometimes!

Wow, thanks!

You're welcome!

I recommended this post to be featured in the @steemplus magazine!

Wow! Thanks so much!!

Nice pic

Thank you for that post! I appreciate it very much, even if do love and reach out for whales :)

And one word on timing. When you're working in the evenings you don't have much choice to steem when ever you like. To reach my US whales I would have to post when I come home from work at 2-3 in the morning, because I am living in Germany. I've done that a lot of times, but it's hard. You don't have the concentration and inspiration anymore, you need for good content.

Good point. I forgot to mention this in the article. I edited it to reflect my thoughts on this.

Of course I could prepare everything in advance and post it in time. But who has the time for that? In the mornings I have still other things to do. DAMN IT I'm complaining again! Stop complaining, just live and let live. Thanks for everything!

That's hardly catching a whale... That's more like Swimming in its wake.

The idea is to post things that you enjoy that they also enjoy right before they curate. I'd say tracking migration patterns and using good bait constitutes fishing, right? 😉 Seems like some people want to use a harpoon instead. 😜

That's quite a Steemit strategy!!

Great post! In fact, it was so good that we decided to feature it in our latest newspaper. Read it here: https://steemit.com/steemplus/@steemplus/steemplus-wednesday-october-19-the-daily-newspaper-that-pays-you-to-find-high-quality-content

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I dont think whale's vote depend on that. For me, its still a matter of making decision, "to vote or not to vote." Even if we have the perfect post, if they will not vote, we can do nothing about it.

This is simply about playing the probabilities. The post still has to be good, but I think this technique increases the likelihood of a higher payout.

Yes, it could be a factor.