How I lost 2stones?

in howtolooseweight •  8 years ago  (edited)

I am happy version of myself :)
And the best part of it I am happily maintaining it :)
It was not long ago when I openly faced the obvious fact that I did have a eating issue and unwanted weight gaining was following this as well.
I disgracefully failed in terms of adjusting the food I was eating. As eating the food was concern, I was eating too much and too often. On the top of this I was eating processed and filled with preserve and unknown additives food which unfortunately stir the whole circle of eating and eating without controlling it.
My eating revolution which transformed my body was so simple. Going back to the basics. Eating food - as good God created raw and without any additives it was my way to go.
I can happily say that my disturbing eating habits is a history now, and I am trilled at present current situation because food does not control my life anymore and I am free from food ruling my life.
Here is the picture of me before I finally realized I had a problem. You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. You can not have both. You are literally what you eat. So if you are eating organic unprocessed food without additives and preserves this will make you feel great from inside and out.
I must say one thing the most tremendous impact on my success had a book 'YOU CAN BE THIN' by Marisa Peer, which helped me to understand the reasons behind my unhealthy eating habits even when I was eating healthy food. Why? Because I was still eating too much. Food was still the replacement therapy for the stressful situations, I learned to name the problem and deal with it effectively not by overeating the problem. This simply is not the way. I did pay a great deal of price for it. As a result because I felt so many times like food slave and the lack of control over this was one of the most overpowering and destroying feeling I ever experienced.
HAPPIER LIGHTER AND MOST IMPORTANT HEALTHIER. If someone would say to me life without sugar, meat, flour, milk, fat for a week I would say that this is crazy and not possible. However with positive and sensible approach I managed to carry on through vegetable fasting for 5 weeks which actually is designed for healing and curing the body. One of the biggest and visual side effect was loss weight of less 13kg. However the most important thing which came as a pure blessing is the way my body is healing and recovering naturally. Since this time I choose to continue without sugar, flour, milk and occasional organic meat with healthy fats and I will carry on with unprocessed and organic food as my lifestyle because it is easy to cook and make your body feel absolutely amazing. Food is essential for Our bodies so make sure it is real food not a substitute of food.
I can't encourage you enough to get the healthy relationship with food as in my case this completely transformed my life.
I finally feel in control of my life, happy and free. My body deserve the nourishing and real food in order to maintain the great well being. if you have a car which use only diesel you would not put unleaded so why on earth you are putting rubbish inside of your body and expect full performance. This is not a rocket science. Is so simple. Nothing can be add to it. Stop eating junk food, eat simple and unprocessed food. I still eat slice of pizza , cake from time to time, but my real food is 99% of my diet :)
Have a lovely day.
Lots of love
from Margo :)

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I am also on the big side , my problem is lack of determination to follow my sliming diet, i get tired easily, thanks for posting this , it will surely help me in a big way. I expect more of it , i will follow yu asap

If you really want a lasting result please get to the reason why you are overeating. It is must. I would recommend to read book mentioned in the blog. Marisa Peer 'YOU CAN BE THIN' Amazing resource for dealing with weight issue for good. Diet is not a solution it need to be the lifestyle :)