There are many life hacks available on the internet today that it is quite difficult to think of one which is not known. However, the three life hacks listed below are some basic tricks which I've got to know through personal experience... Hope someone finds them useful as well...
Without much ado then, let's begin...
Have you ever been in a situation where you have an impending meeting or journey tomorrow, and by tonight you still haven't washed the clothes you have to wear? Well, that was me in secondary school (high school). A lot of times i fell into this situation and had to choose between wearing a dirty or a wet uniform to school the next day. That was of course, until i found a unique solution. Most of the air conditioners (AC) available back in the 90's required breaking the wall to fix it. As a result, there's an extension of the AC outside the house. This part of the AC usually releases hot air when the AC is powered on. I discovered that by carefully placing my cloth by the AC, the hot air ensured that the cloth got dried within the hour. This is no joke, sometimes I washed in the morning by 6am, and before 7.30am, my clothes were ready. Of course its not ideal, but its still a life hack, for those who find themselves in such tricky situations.
Back in the University, there were times when we had to go on field trips or excursions and we had to stay over for more than a day. In such situations, we had to pack a little luggage along. While piling a few clothes into a bag was not such a difficult issue, the real problem was footwear. You had to carry allong your footwear for domestic activities like bathing, etc. You also had to pack footwear you'll wear along the road too. Now this might sound like common sense, but buying a fancy footwear which is multipurpose (preferably one that is immune to getting spoilt from water), will save you the hassle of packing any footwear at all. You'll simply wear it all through your trip.
I enjoy drawing, and when i draw i usually like to exhibit it for people to see. However, not everyone can afford to buy adequate frames or durable canvases for all their drawings. The consequence is of course, loosing that beautiful picture you love to wear and tear sooner than you desire. My solution? Dont just design your walls with paint, paint them white, and use them as canvas for your drawings. It will make a perfect design, would last long, and of course you wouldnt need to spend that hard earned cash on expensive canvases or frames.
Mind you, do it at your permanent home though, not where you'll be leaving soon...
If you enjoy beans, you'll know about the annoying presence of bean weevils. They just develop out of nowhere and before you know it, your stored beans is crawling with them. Well, here's a solution... Place dried pepper seeds along with your beans wherever they're stored, and watch the weevils keep away. I dont know the science of it, i simply know it works.
So there they are, a little bit of those life hacks I've utilized over the years. Hope you learned something...
This post was made for @aoart's how to weekly contest. You can also join by using the link below...
Photo credits: all except the wall canvas - google images
Wall canvas: mine