December 23, 2020 (chat notes)

in hr-193 •  4 years ago 

UNDER H.R. 193 (2017)
3:30 Moon sign: galactic center = destiny/SAG
As/rising sign: SAG (realized by 36 years of age)
6:25 physical location changes rising sign AND North Node/future focus
12:00 non-Book of Life days (see "Yin" form
14:30 sexy man time comes second half of 2021
18:00 SAG is metal element, which controls wood element, which controls earth element, which controls water element (a.k.a. monetary system)
20:45 control and generative cycles (avoid five-pointed stars = control cycle)
23:45 trump's admin enabled
(when signing any document: UNDER H.R. 193 (2017), add above cursive signature)
28:00 effective January 3, 2019 (retroactive yo January 3, 2017)
31:00 all birth certificates registered in Washington, DC, means all are US Citizens/sovereigns
32:31 Dec last days: non-Book of Life days (avoid new contact)
37:10 B' mentions Saturn in 'cage' = structure removed to deliver spiritual justice

39:15 astrological symbols
41:10 North Node = future brings self back to earthly plane
44:35 those working w/tony p's work: from future
46:45 sidereal placement: truer than western astrology. heavenly plane = noble patriarchy; earthly plane = earthly plane
50:00 three degrees right side of OPH: galactic center/destiny
51:15 sun sign dates
52:00 houses
55:30 fully supported by outer planets for long term experiences
58:00 South Node = past (legacy left for sons w/abundance)
1:00:00 North Node = future in 4th house (earthly plane = mother/land)
1:02:45 transition period to consider future: 4th House matters relate to feelings & caring for & nurturing others. Internal areas include receptiveness, affection, sentimentality, introversion, feelings, emotional security, the soul. External areas include home, family, past, roots, emotional foundations, traditions, care, land, domestic life, privacy. Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of areas listed above. Also balanced by releasing 10th house matters.
1:55:55 original plan based on Athens, Greece natal chart.
1:08:10 CH as SCO-OPH rising (powerful placement in CH)
1:15:30 April 27, 2021: Pluto retrograde ends. Pluto represents
1:17:05 retrograde individual
1:17:30 add Mercury retrogrades to own calendar AND avoid making decisions/negotiations contracts
1:23:30 geo-location-astrology might hinder one's original intentions and focus/agreements
1:27:40 charge for chat time because of access to future and enable others to receive inner insights.
1:31:30 LIMITED Funding available to fully support and develop e-shop with quality certificates
1:37:45 ADDITIONALLY... check box to receive LIMITED Funding
1:46:00 support for Tony P
1:50:00 not prototype, but business plan completed--Jupiter in action (expanding world perspective)
1:52:20 Book of Life meaning from John's Book of Revelations (the end of church/VT comes 2023: don't share with son's, because they're here for their own experiences.
1:55:10 four wisdom lineages being preyed on by dark forces, w/final date in 2023 (best guess: march 20), via sexual immorality, contacts, and court cases.
2:00:15 probably remedy: cancel/delete wi-fi contract AND increase zinc-copper intake.
Zn-Cu (3:1) supplement
upper Cu limit to 750mg/day for 68kg (150 pound) body mass: equine suggestion for being healthy as a horse with copper to zinc ratio range: 1:3
remedy #2, elite shungite is 98% carbon, effective for conducting electricity (and deflecting radiation from wi-fi signals). most healing form is in merkaba
2:06:00 Apply REMEDY on Saturday for self with Sun detriment in AQU: tinned copper pan fortifies weakened Saturn.
2:13:30 April/May 2021 businesses re-open AND beast released coincide
2:15:30 abundance enables man to reveal their truth as karmic credit/debit
2:16:45 1st son's mother and freewill
2:21:10 EMF cap (Ag-Cu fiber) blocks wi-fi access to scalp implants
2:23:30 C-pitch: left ear from 3D plane; right ear from etheric plane. safe time after 2023
2:27:05 CA
2:37:55 consultation option as certified trainer
2:40:10 abundance processes w/i 4 weeks after application submission
2:44:00 explaining ascension & factions splitting
2:48:00 energy levels pick up
2:41:10 BoL days
2:52:00 son needs father
2:53:30 sovereigns purchase land outside of city limits

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