Mars CamTrack is the new one-stop virtual filming solution for the HTC Vive

in htc •  3 years ago 

With a relatively acceptable budget, the actor can instantly enter any virtual background during the production process (somewhat similar to the shooting method of "The Mandalorian"). This system is based on the Mars processing module, which can receive camera, light and prop movement signals from Vive Trackers (3.0) through the Rover module (up to three cameras can be tracked at the same time), and can use Base Stations (2) Base station to determine the specific location of Rover and Tracker.

The concept behind Mars CamTrack is to use Unreal Engine to create a 3D virtual environment that can be manipulated and converted instantly with a computer and projection, and then connected to the real-time rendering engine based on the synchronous coupler and Livelink data format to finally realize the "synchronized output of real actors and virtual images" ". The value of this solution is that it can reduce the cost of framing and the difficulty of setting, and it can also help actors to better perform their acting skills (after all, they can see the surrounding environment), and it can also save some post-production costs. According to Industrial Light & Magic, more than half of The Mandalorian was filmed using the same type of technology. In addition, the green screen application scene also appeared in the official introduction film of HTC Vive. In order to reduce the difficulty of setting the system, HTC Vive also added functions such as camera and lens calibration to Mars CamTrack.

Virtual production represents the future of content creation. It allows filmmakers to unleash their imaginations beyond the constraints of real-world physical environments. With Mars, HTC brings its years of experience developing VR technology to the realm of virtual production. Film professionals no longer have to struggle with the trade-offs of time, cost, and quality. With the VIVE Mars solution, virtual production equipment can fit into a backpack while providing professional-grade film and television effects. Bao Yongzhe, vice president of enterprise solutions for HTC Vive, who participated in the development of the world's first Android phone, said so.

The standard package of Mars CamTrack includes a Mars, two Vive Trackers (3.0) trackers, three Rover modules and a pair of Base Stations (2). Its price is $5000.

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