The Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms for the fictitious person
When you wake in the morning, would you have ever thought that you have been so improperly informed about who you are and what the difference between freeman or the Natural person, And a Fictitious person? Grab a seat! I am going give you a rundown on what the media has being calling the “freeman movement.” And an explanation into how we can be, what they call a fictitious person.
Let’s start with the word “Person” (The living body of a human) this was copied and pasted from the dictionary at the free dictionary website. so we are a living body of a Human. Nice! That was the regular dictionary. This definition gives me a feel like I am worth. This time taking the word “Person” and going over to the tab on free dictionary too “Legal Dictionary” I type in “Person” again this is what comes up. (A corporation treated as having the rights and obligations of a person. Counties and cities can be treated as a person in the same manner as a corporation. However, corporations, counties and cities cannot have the emotions of humans such as malice, and therefore are not liable for punitive damages. 2. It is also used to denote a corporation which is an artificial person). fictitious person (Latin: persona ficta) (also artificial person, juridical person, juristic person, legal entity and body corporate, also commonly called a vehicle) That being said, we know that “legally” being a person gives you the same rights as a corporation, country, or cities. The “Person” can be sued for malice is the only other difference. Malice (Malice (law), a legal term describing the intent to harm). We went over what the definition of the “Legal” Person. So here is what a “Legal” dictionary’s Example of a Corporations: (Artificial entities that are created by state statute, and that are treated much like individuals under the law, having legally enforceable rights, the ability to acquire debt and to pay out profits, the ability to hold and transfer property, the ability to enter into contracts, the requirement to pay taxes, and the ability to sue and be sued).
Now we understand (The word ‘understand’ in legalese means to ‘stand under’, or more specifically ‘to consent to or agree with’. The word ‘include’, means to exclude everything else apart from the thing included, otherwise they will say ‘includes but is not limited to’.) The differences between a corporations, a person in legal terms is the corporation, just the same. CANADA is also a corporation. Just the same as the Person. Canada became CANADA in 1982. John Doe wasn’t John Doe anymore. He became corporate like Canada the Country, became CANADA the Corporation! JOHN DOE Incorporated
This sounds like a Corporation’s are the same thing as a person minus the malice. I get it! As a Person, Living with a legal name, (this being First and Last-named, registered). I have the same rights as a Corporation! Corporations do what 1 thing the most? They make POLICIES. (Contract)(A general term used to describe all contracts of insurance, procedure, proposal, proposed action, proposition, and rule of action, as applied to a law).
The Question you might be thinking is WHY? Let me start with this…. In 1982 CANADA became a corporation. They rewrote The Bill of Rights. And enshrining The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This ACT Changing into Canada a corporation. Most provisions of the Bill of Rights have been replicated and enshrined(anointed, awesome, blessed, ceremonial, consecrated, dedicated, devotional, divine, enshrined) in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982. The Charter, being entrenched (ingrained, inveterate, irreversible ) in our Constitution, is the supreme law of Canada and applies to both federal and provincial acts of government. However, the Bill of Rights remains in force today and still has application to federal statutes. (An established law or rule, as of a corporation.)
So now we are back to what happened in 1982 When Canada, became CANADA incorporated. There was no Vote for this Change of our constitution it was enshrined into the constitution. The Charter, it was an ordinary Act of Parliament, which could be amended by a simple majority of Parliament, and it was applicable only to the federal government. (Section 32 of The Charter of rights and freedoms)This change in the Governed world, what made it possible for the government to change LAWS, or in the corporate world POLICY'S... Selling out CANADA as a country and making it a Business or Corporations for the purpose of Profit. So basically the Queen let us go in 1982. All profits going to the Throne of course... By way of The Charter of rights and Freedoms., we are not classed and the same means of “Person “in a “legal” term as what we are told of what a person would be. What we are raised to know a person to be ((The living body of a human) its 2 different languages. Actually its 4, Latin, Greek, Arabic and English. Phoenician it is called. We speak different languages entirely! Law is Phoenician. The words that are used and meaning of them are Misplaced in there meaning. Its trickery or just straight up lies.. in law that’s called Fraud
“Sounds like” and what “actually is” are totally different when it comes to words as we are finding out. Like the word Vehicle –when we of this word it the transportation used to travel. Unknowing that the “legal” meaning is (access, agency, agent). Its personal transportation to the Everyday Person. It’s hidden By legal terms, like, statutes, decree, legislative or include. (What include means to express one thing is to exclude another.)
The facts are that the system (Government) has allowed this. To with full Knowledge is an infringement (The encroachment, breach, or violation of a right) on the rights the legal person. This is how:
A Birth certificate,
Our parents un-knowingly (FRAUDULENT ACT) signed us over to the Government. It’s a normal everyday thing we do, being bread into our society… “Registry”. (Anything registered is fully surrendered willingly!) It’s in the legislation (Pertaining to the governmental function of lawmaking or to the process of enacting laws) (or policies). This is when the Government gets your parents registered information of your birth. You now get an all CAPITAL letters certificate of Birth (death, due to being registered). So in doing this the government. Has full legal rights ( legal rights are those bestowed onto a person by a given legal system) Over your name.
Since the Name is what corporation is all about. The NAME In capital letter is a Heading for a Corporation Like "WALMART" or "SAFEWAY" it’s a corporation. Like when "SAFEWAY" Stared there corporation they Registered the name. They get a certificate too. Now this Registered Corporation can now pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES... In FEDERAL INCOME TAXES... the agreement with the social insurance number works as the right to work, as a corporation. Being treated as one too.
In contract law anything fraudulent is nullified and VOID. That means they have breached the Contract and its Legally Null. What contract? If you want to get technical and literal. The only true signature is in your own blood. Even to go into your bank account the Government “needs” to ask. Seeing how CANADA is a Corporation and so is the Person. That is like A company stealing or Fraud (A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.)... Now do you want to know what rights are available? The wool is being pulled over the worlds eyes. The spiritual beings we strive to be are shaded in misguided, through words with the mislead intent. Intended to hold us down in a system that traded our freedom as human persons. For MONEY or PROFIT! $$$ . That’s a bit of a rundown on Who you are as a legal “PERSON” (Legal persons (lat. persona iuris) are of two kinds: natural persons – people – and judicial persons (also called juristic or artificial or fictitious persons, lat. persona ficta) – groups of people, such as corporations, which are treated by law as if they were persons.[1][4][5] While people acquire legal personhood when they are born, judicial persons do so when they are incorporated (registered) in accordance with law.)The Charter protects fundamental (adjective basal, basic, basilar,( basilar means initial, original) basilary, cardinal, organic, primary, primus )freedoms, democratic rights, the right to move from one province or territory to another in Canada( gee thanks) , legal( if you agree), equality and language rights, and Aboriginal rights. Applicable only to the federal government. Government means(Latin -rēctus m (feminine rēcta, neuter rēctum); first/second declension ruled, having been ruled, governed, having been governed)
Applicable only to the federal government by way of the Charter, stating as below the charter applies too… only government employees!
Application of Charter
- (1) This Charter applies (This means affect, be applicable,)
(a) to the Parliament (chamber, council, legislature) and government (agency of the state, authority, body of office holders, congress, delegates,)of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and
(b) To the legislatures(A representative assembly of persons that makes statutory laws for a municipality, state, or nation.) and governments of each province in respect of all matters within the authority (Legal expert all knowing, clever) of the legislature of each province.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), section 15 shall not have effect until three years after this section comes into force.
Government status:
Peace officers a mayor, warden, reeve, sheriff, deputy sheriff, sheriff’s officer, and justice of the peace a member of the Correctional Service of Canada who is designated as a peace officer pursuant to Part I of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, and a warden, deputy warden, instructor, keeper, jailer, guard and any other officer or permanent employee of a prison other than a penitentiary as defined in Part I of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, a police officer, police constable, bailiff, constable, or other person employed for the preservation and maintenance of the public peace or for the service or execution of civil process, A person who holds a government position by election or appointment., police officer (peace officers) Judges, bailiffs, any type of correctional job, A civil officer appointed to preserve the public peace, as a sheriff or constable.
Statutes of law - 1. A law enacted by a legislature.
- A decree or edict, as of a rule
Sixty five thousand statutes, (65,000) or the written law of legislature penned by our parliament.
Laws that are not known to us or taught in schools. Ignorance is no excuse! In the eyes of legal
The Canadian Bill of Rights and Freedoms
Natural man (Original)
You are probably wondering what happened to The Bill or Rights? Let’s cover a bit on this part of Canadian History and get away from this negative vibe or The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The bill of rights is a Standalone 1.5 pages or 5 main common law rules that can NEVER be changed, encroached upon or enshrined on for the Rights and freedoms of HUMAN Persons. As for everyone to understand (common sense) they call it common law or Case Law. On August 10th of 1960, The Bill of Rights was enacted (to make into an act or statute) by the Parliament of Canada into the Canadian Constitution by way of the 1947 document written by John Diefenbaker in Prince Albert Saskatchewan. In 1947, Saskatchewan passed into law a Bill of Rights .The Saskatchewan Bill of Rights covered both fundamental freedoms and equality rights. Saskatchewan's Bill of Rights is considered to have had formative influence on John Diefenbaker, successfully introduced The Canadian Bill of Rights, in 1960.
Canadian Bill of Rights
(5) Any act or thing done or authorized or any order or regulation made under the authority of this Act, shall be deemed not to be an abrogation, abridgement or infringement of any right or freedom recognized by the Canadian Bill of Rights”
(An Act for the Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
The Parliament of Canada, affirming that the Canadian Nation is founded upon principles that acknowledge the supremacy of God, the dignity and worth of the human person and the position of the family in a society of free men and free institutions) this is the first paragraph of the 1.5 page BILL of Rights. In Law the first thing written set presence, so in order of importance..
Parliament of Canada affirming the Canadian nation is founded upon principles that acknowledge the
(#1) Supremacy of God (importance, influence, supreme authority or power). Gods Law
The law of man! Do no harm!!
(#2) The dignity and worth of the human person, ( a real human being, as distinguished from a corporation which is often treated at law as a fictitious person. Sovereign (free, politically independent)
(#3) and the position of Family in a society FAMILY (of all who live in the same household including servants and relatives, with some person or persons directing this economic and social unit.)
Society (A society is a number of persons united together by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine, and act jointly for some common purpose.)
(#4) free men and free institutions (Marriage and the family - sociology of the family. - businesses, including corporations) (Free is the key word)
This is an amendment to the Bill of rights from John Diefenbaker, in this quote from the said amendment he is saying that exactly what you are about to read:
. Amendment 18600-8 (November 2, 1959) states Quote from the amendment 186000-8: (If the Bill of Rights in operation is completely successful in achieving its objective, entrenchment would undoubtedly be desirable. If the Bill of Rights in operation does nothing but restrain the legislature from encroaching on the essential rights and freedoms, nothing but an alien or an evil agency would have any reason for overriding it and it would be far better that that were impossible.)
This amendment (An alteration or change of something proposed in a bill) was put in place for the safety of the human person (natural man, original man) in 1959 joining the constitution in 1960 when The Bill of Rights , was put in and it is still in effect. The Bill of Rights. Is for common law jurisdiction. CANADA (Canada) is still under Common Law Jurisdiction So now we know that only alien or evil can or would change the rights of us… The Bill of Rights, was set into the constitution, to not be over written. This being said Amendment 186000-8 states
Amendment to the constitution on the bill of right 186000-8
No matter how you look at it, entrenchment is abandoning, or transferring to some outside agency, some part of Canadian sovereignty; and Under the proposed scheme, while there would be no entrenchment, there can be no interference with the results obtained from the Supreme Court of Canada unless a Government is so clearly satisfied that the result is abhorrent (This means antipathetic, bad, offensive or repulsive) to right-thinking (This means possessing reasonable and generally acceptable opinions) people that it is prepared to meet Parliament and the country on a proposal to pass a law “notwithstanding ( means in spite of, all the same, )the Bill of Rights”.
This is sounding like we are safe from any alien or evil agency!!!
The word freedom and fundamental don’t real mean anything together. The words Act and action both mean "a deed" and “The process of doing." However, there senses of act, such as a decision made by a legislative body) and of action. (The law created by a legislature is called legislation or statutory law) statutory law is (or statute law is written law)
When these words they have changed the meaning of like "prosecute" witch actually means “do not pursue" in Phoenician .Which is Arabic, Greek and Latin. Also like The word "JUDGE" means "The Great". And when he is on the "bench" what means “The bank". So in the end the banks the government and a person is “A human or organization with legal rights and duties. According to the Charter of rights and freedoms “Corporate 1982 CANADA. Changing us from a Natural person (a natural person is a real human being, as opposed to a legal person, which may be a private (i.e., business entity) or public (i.e., government) organization.) In The Bill of Rights to a "person” or a Corporation.( corporation is a "person" for purposes of the constitutional guarantees of equal protection of laws and Due Process of Law.) In the change from CASE LAW to LEGISLATION LAW.
No one owns the rights to enslave the Natural man.
Since 1982 we have two Set rules of government. The first being made in 1960 for the Natural person, the Freeman or Sovereign and the Second set is The Charter of Rights and (fundamental) freedoms. Fundamental in Law means, the rule of law. And was passed into OUR constitution in 1982. Not by democracy! There was no Vote.
The word Vote is a legal word, and it doesn’t mean what we know it to. (poll= public opinion, questionaries’, questionnaire, register, registration, return, statistic, survey. VOTE= option, pick, poll, predilection, preference,, selection. VOTES and POLLS don't mean what you think) They had overwritten the BILL OF RIGHTS. By way of encroachment (An unlawful gaining upon the right or possession of another; as in unlawful invasion, violation, wrongful entry, wrongful ingress) FRAUD (fraud is intentional deception) (A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon it to her or his legal injury.) (applicable only to the federal government)
These are the rules and Law that we follow and i don’t have a single idea what they really are.. Now the" Bill Of Rights" when is broken down calls me A human several times, 9 TO BE EXACT! Through the 1.5 we will say 2 pages of 4 or 5 main laws. Right from the first sentence. To the Charter of Rights and freedoms (CANADA Corporation 1982) where there is zero that’s is"0" times the word human is in there.
The preamble (A clause at the beginning of a constitution or statute explaining the reasons for its enactment and the objectives it seeks to attain.) of the Bill of Rights affirms the dignity and worth of the human person. Part I declares that there exist in Canada, without discrimination, certain human rights and fundamental freedoms such as the right to equality before the law and equal protection of the law, freedom of religion, speech, assembly and association, and the right to be free from arbitrary detention or punishment. In guaranteeing these rights and freedoms in law for the first time, the Bill of Rights was an important step towards advancing and protecting the human rights of Canadians. Most provisions of the Bill of Rights have been replicated and enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 1982. The Charter, being entrenched in our Constitution, is the supreme law of Canada and applies to both federal and provincial acts of government. However, the Bill of Rights remains in force today and still has application to federal statutes.
WHY? Because legally humans have human rights. And with Legal rights you need consent of the legal person. I am starting to believe they replaces human with Fundamental rights. Now where The Bill of Rights is written for the "Natural person" and The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is for the un-natural person.(legal term) But within The wording of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms they don't mention weather is for a person (un-natural or coprorate) or a Natural person (original), Some of the sections and sub-sections. Means it applies to both. So we have a choice to either be a" Natural person" (a real human being, As distinguished from a corporation which is often treated at law as a fictitious person.) or we can be a "Legal or corporate" person (A corporation is a
"Person" for purposes of the constitutional guarantees of equal protection of laws and Due Process of Law) right?!. So now there is somewhat of an idea on the differences or LABELS through SOCIETY. (A society is a number of persons united together by mutual consent, in order to deliberate, determine, And act jointly for some common purpose..)
These law we follow are man-made and very one sided and fictional. Depending on how you word them and English isn’t in law it’s Phoenician. So the first set of Rules called common law,
Just basically common sense. These rules are made to protect the rights of humans, An Act for the Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Says the
"Bill of Rights “where the Charter, on the first line, which means it’s the# 1 rule and set presence. #1 Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the Supremacy of God.. #2 and the rule of law (meaning we all have to follow according to god, by way of common sense) kind of to me sounds like they want us to follow common law first. And then the ruling of law. (Giving us a choice?) They made CANADA corporate so that they could enslave humanity for profit they have told us if our rights are infringed or denied we can put the system into disrepute. Sounds like shame and loss of honor is in order. For the crimes against humanity! And the fraudulent act to Original Men and Women, the Natural man’s rights as the human person. Natural rights are those not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable.)
What can I do if my Charter rights have been denied?
The Charter provides for three kinds of actions to persons whose rights have been denied. These actions are referred to as legal "remedies". First, the Charter says that a person can ask a court for a remedy that is "appropriate and just in the circumstances". For instance, a court may stop proceedings against a person charged with an offence if his or her right to a trial within a reasonable time has been denied.
A second remedy is available when persons carrying out investigations for the government (for example, police officers) violate an individual's Charter rights. This may happen, for example, when they improperly search for evidence on private property and violate a person's right to privacy. In this situation, the person can ask a court to order that the evidence not be used against the person in a trial. A court will make an order like this if it is clear that using such evidence at trial would "bring the administration of justice into disrepute" (under section 24 of the Charter).
Finally, if a court finds that a law violates Charter rights, it can rule that the law has no force (under section 52 of the Constitution Act, 1982
The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.
This section of the Constitution gives the courts the power to rule that a particular law is not valid if it violates the Charter, which is itself part of the Constitution. While section 52(1) is not part of the Charter, it provides courts with an important power to strike down laws that violate Charter rights. If only part of the law violates the Constitution, only that part will be ruled invalid
Enforcement of guaranteed rights and freedoms
- (1) Anyone(noun any individual, any person, anybody) (freeman or corporate) whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed (broken )or denied (to disclaim connection with or responsibility for an action or statement )may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.
· Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute
(2) Where, in proceedings under subsection (1), a court concludes that evidence was obtained in a manner that infringed or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed (agreed, assured, attested, certain, certified, committed, conclusive, definite, dependable, ensured, indubious, inevitable, pledged, promised,) by this Charter, the evidence shall be excluded ( abandoned, barred, derelict, exempt,) if it is established that, having regard(advert to, attend, be attentive) to all the circumstances, the admission of it in the proceedings would bring the administration of justice into disrepute (loss of honor, loss of reputation,)
My information was on these websites. Everything in red is taken from these site.
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