Truth can only be brought forth by recognizing the darkness, and then punching through it with light.

in human •  2 years ago 


I've noticed something about myself. I now later in life do suffer from allergies, but when I think too deeply about some things, I find myself having a really intense episode of coughing and sneezing, even finding it difficult to breath. Snaps me out of my mental space, stops the spear in my heart. Then it stops.

Watching a film, The Captive, about a young girl disappearing when her Dad was inside a store for just a few minutes. Initially, the police considered the Dad guilty. She was fortunate to have been abducted from her father's truck by a wealthy pedophile, who kept her captive for years, and apparently didn't physically torture her. I am being facetious here.
I never had children of my own but the more I have learned about the multi-billion dollar child sex trafficking, the more sneezing and coughing attacks I will have.

This industry wouldn't prosper but for the addiction to porn on the internet, and now even more child porn. Shame on any of you that get your jollies off, without any consideration of the enslaved child. It's sick and demented and evil to enslave infants and small children to live ones sexual fantasies.

If you like to jerk off to porn, please leave the babies and children out of it. They have not even been given a chance, most just slaves, sold or murdered when they wear out.

Sorry, I went dark. At least I have stopped sneezing. The truth sets us free, no matter how horrific it sometimes be. This is huge and most people would never condone it, but most just don't realize how huge this is.

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