HENRY'S HAPPY HOMESTEAD: This is a holistic healthy household of healed humans. Those who wisely chose to live hereon, planet MOTHER EARTH, as One in Unity and Understanding. Based on the Spirit of Truth as opposed to untruths. Regardless of our optically obvious, cosmetic coloration complexions. It's a mandatory must, mingle - mix - mate and marry, making millions melanin-more majority members. These biological bodily beings bear better beneficial blends. Blissfully blessed baby born birthrights, beauteous BROWN-SKINS.
The Total Told Truths: There's no shame in my game, and I'm not playing around with other people's prejudices, bigotries, and blatant bias beliefs. Nor do I play political colorblind, seeing how I am an Anointed ArtistCHD1 AmericAfrindian = A-Free-Indian AmeriOriginal-One. Like me or not, it matters in the minutest least amount. Basically because; concurring 'climatic changes' are here today right on time, as scheduled to come. And those citizens of the United States; hereon, North America, nationally and elsewhere internationally, who unwisely remain segregated and separated and secluded societies, shall surely suffer. Severe shortages and serious shortcomings!
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