The Human Condition.

in human •  2 years ago 


It takes all kinds for the human race to be this fucked up. And I use hose words “fucked up” because there are no better words in the English language to describe our dysfunctional reality. So, for now, we’ll always have tyranny that ebbs and flows while various conformists and opportunistic sycophants, along with those afraid to speak up and those that bought the propagandistic lies all deserve just as much credit for the victimized world as the tyrants themselves. Though we must also recognize part of the human condition by making a distinction between those that actually know tyranny is being incrementally imposed and go along with it as opposed to those who don’t really know the truth but wholeheartedly bought the establishment’s propaganda and actually believe going along with the establishment’s “experts” (at deception) would be best for everyone.

Why should anyone expect people not to follow their true nature in accord with life’s circumstances which they were born into and then play out while many if not most feel like they have no control and no real choice - exactly as the Western establishment has gone to extreme lengths to make them feel?

Civil disobedience could be the only way out but many don’t see or understand the real problem(s) while censorship is imposed and as compliant believers in fantastic lies or straight out cowards - they cheer it on themselves.

Rather than promoting equal rights and justice on any of the major fronts, people allowed our imposed circumstances to turn them into opportunistic conformists adhering to double standard rules and laws put in place by psychopaths trying to control everything and every one, virtually aspect of human life and life on earth as well. How deranged and disconnected from reality does one need be to entertain the idea that anyone or any minuscule group could rule and control everything that happens within this planet’s atmosphere and do it in a way that’s best for the human race by committing the worst financial and war crimes in human history over the course of the last century when it’s all added up? Literally in numerous cases people that fear being named and recognized as principle offenders are not named in the official records of Western governments or by the complicit Western establishment “news and entertainment” propaganda industries. Together the top echelon psychopaths and their puppets are all deciding who lives and dies to some extent or will be put at risk as a direct result of the economic and war crime policies the establishment imposed on the world. Now we wonder and wait to see if the globalists at the apex of Western power who pull the strings of politician, media and academic puppets to impose their will on the world, will get their way.

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