Do not torture the living beings

in human •  7 years ago 

The human beings were absorbed in the penance. There were some thieves from there. They ran away with the treasury. The loot money was with them too. Raja's soldiers were following him. The thieves hid the loot in the hut's robe and ran away. When the soldiers reached there, they went inside the cottage looking for thieves. Thieves did not get it but kept the money they got there. The soldiers thought that the person who is sitting outside is definitely the thief. To save themselves, make a traitor of a sadhu, pretending penance. They caught the sage and presented him before the king and presented them. Raja did not even consider any idea and neither did he question the accused arrested and sentenced to hang on the cross.

The sage began to think that why did this happen? What sin are they getting this punishment? He observed his life, found nothing. Then he observed the past life. Seeing, seeing the whole hundred births, but somewhere they did not see anything like that which resulted in punishment. Now they seek refuge in God. The order came, 'See the birth of Rishi 101.'

The sage saw "a child of 8- 10 years old." He has kept a pest in one hand. There is a thorn in the other hand. The insect bites the boy's insect, then the insect gets agitated and the child is happy. The insect is suffering and the game of the child is happening. "The sage understood that what sin is being punished for them.

But he is a friar. Was his penance not able to destroy his sin? The sage was thinking that some people who knew the sage, they reached the king and introduced their sage to their innocence. The king freed the sage while apologizing to the sage.

What happened in such a long time? How fair is God's justice, how precise it is. It was understood only by the sage. While pleading with the pest of his mind, he again got absorbed in his penance.

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