A hundred years ago, the United States created a "human - orangutan" hybrid animals?

in human •  7 years ago 

In the 1920s, Florida researchers successfully breed a "human-orangutan" hybrid animal known as "humanzee", a prominent American scientist said. This is a controversial and long-rumored study.

Gordon G. Gallup, Jr. is a famous evolutionary psychologist. He said an old professor told him that the hybrid was born in the animal research lab where he had worked. In the 1920s, the first Primate Research Center in the United States was founded in Orange Park, Florida. In one experiment, they used an anonymous donor's sperm to perform artificial insemination of a female chimpanzee. As a result, chimpanzees not only successfully conceived, but also succeeded in giving birth. But it did not take long before they began to consider moral issues and euthanized their babies.

This ancient rumor once again aroused people's attention. Gallup said the veteran professor's credibility is very high, he confirmed the rumor. Although the evidence is difficult, but there are a lot of doubt in this story, so the credibility is not high. Gallup said in 2009 that the "reliable news provider" witnessed the birth of hybrids; but later he took it back.

We may never know the truth of the incident, but obviously this is not the only "human-orangutan" hybrid experiment. The same experiment was conducted by former Soviet biologist Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov in the 1920s, but ended in failure - he could not conceive the mother chimpanzee with human children through artificial insemination. Later, he tried to make humans pregnant with orangutans children, but due to the death of male orangutans (sperm donors), the experiment died. In the 1960s, Chinese scientists also explored the field and eventually ended in failure.

In addition, the world's most famous "humanzee" is also non-existent. Oliver, a chimpanzee in the circus, was taken from Africa to the United States. It is suspected that it may be some kind of "human-orangutan" hybrid animal (perhaps a marketing tool) because it looks like a human being, capable of standing upright and preferring to stay with humans. However, genetic testing proves that he is just a chimpanzee.

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