Tick tock tick, what have you learnt about Humancloning in 2018?

in humancloning •  6 years ago 

Video Credit; George Green

Some of these clones are used for mere entertainment value; Gladiator- Style Wrestling bouts, Sexual perversions, Illuminati Ritual Sacrifices etc- Donald Marshall

Good and bad exist, its your choice to accept which one to believe either in the good or the bad. The same thing goes for anyone who fails to believe in humancloning, a common but hard to believe phenomenon among celebrities and stars in the western world.

In many developing countries, Human cloning is not popular except in few cases like the case the Nigerian president that is now globally rumored to have been cloned when he was in England Last year for Months non-ending, the best theory was that the real president is dead and has Brennan's replaced by a clone to fit the world power agendas.

Either cloned or the real one, the arguments and debate still continues , but Donald Marshall had shed enough light on the cloning centers in secret bunkers and there is nothing secret anymore to anyone who chose to believe and be liberated.

That being said, Science has been manipulated by the powers ruling the world, and had made people believe through the news and mainstream media that human cloning is not an "active process" yet, no media outlet or scientific breakthrough had been authorised to declare that.

Fact is that, Cloning of human had been in existence way back since sometime after WWII and the Royal family are the mastermind. According to Donald Marshall, The Queen Controls the Cloning Center alongside some of the Royal Family.

Scientifically, cloning is the production of a similitude populace of genetically identical individuals or organisms, it is a phenomenon that occurs naturally when there is asexual reproduction between organisms, animals, humans, plants etc.

These exact genetic copies have detailed identical DNA structures, identical twins also falls into this category of a Natural process and it could be done artificially, engineering genetically and identical copies of Humans both still in living or dead.

It's been stated by "science" that there is no commercial motive behind the cloning of Human, top Pharmaceutical companies have said they have no interest in the cloning of human according to Bioethicist George Annas of Boston University, of course that just a cosmetic make up for the people who listens to their false news.


The powers that Controls the human cloning circle do it covertly and never want you and I to know about it, this means it does not Officially in existence, theoretically anyone talking about it Ian tagged a liar and Allen conspiracy theories affectionadao!

That been said, for whatever reasons, no institute or science center would agree to the existence of human cloning, why because the Queen and her cabals that runs the show at the cloning center never authorized them to do so , everything is owned and controlled by them!

The New World Order, Freemason, the Illuminati; uses Human Cloning in the underworld as their tool, to carry out their top Global manipulations, mind control and to pass subliminal messages into the minds of innocent people of World.

To anyone who fails to believe in something, either good or bad especially to anyone who doesn't believe in God. These are the ones that might fall victims and be puppets to this top secrets cult.

Presently, cloning of human is illegal in almost every country of the world, The United Nations General Assembly in the year 2014 put forward a "Declaration on Human Cloning Prohibitation".

If there was a declaration on Human cloning Act, then why are there rumors and proofs of Cloned humans out there on the web and in local news?

World super powers are not going to admit it, they own and run The United Nations hence restricting human cloning themselves and off limit to the rest of the world.

Most world Rulers of Illuminatied Mansons, basically all the G20 leaders of the World are either a high order Free Manson or illuminated Mansons these explains why most of the laws passed are unanimously voted. They have the sole authority to do so at will in order to carry out every evil crime not known to average human.

Artist and musical stars in their quest to be famous and get rich at all cost have been cloned according to Donald Marshall Here!

Video Credit; Donald Marshall: The Illuminati & Innocent Children at the Cloning Centers

The above link to Donald Marshall exposing the Cloning center explains why several stars/celebrities looks so different often, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Eminem, former President George Bush Jr., Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears Kanye west amongst others acts strange and looks different from their older versions you use to know, each activated clones with a strange and noticeable body feature.

Donald Marshall also had been cloned himself as pop lyricist for top musical artist and popular bands, his whistleblowing had made a lot of revelations about the evil crimes committed by these Ultra-Powerful people that are way high above the Justice System of the World because God has given them the power to control everything down here on earth.

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It exists.