Youth detention in Australia and torture and the freedom of press.

in humanist •  9 years ago 

Recently a national TV program (Australian) showed footage of abuse of young First Australians in detention being treated badly and abused. People all over Australia were surprised and shocked even though it had been reported in regional news papers and investigated by authorities months earlier. Yes people have there conservative and selfish heads buried in the sand.

Australia has detention camps set up over seas and what do these idiots in cities think is going on over there? Is it a case of out of sight out of mind?

May i be so bold to jump from detention of to youth to offshore processing of people escaping some of the worst situations imaginable to thousands of people being arrested and tortured in Turkey. Turkey now has more journalists in prison than China. Media organisations have been shutdown and over hundred more journalists have arrest warrants.

Now the world is going crazy and i am safe? Now people i have never met are my enemy that are identified as Muslim? Really? I say The wealthy Elites in control of our Governments should be feared and stopped. 45% of Australians now live below the poverty line.

Is it enough to say "Be the change you want in the world"? Is it enough to say "I'm sure bad things are happening in the world but i am OK" (for now)? If you have one slave in this world it makes slaves of all of us.

In the comments below please name the injustices of the world. Global awareness of even the homeless and the starving can create a shift in the way we think. Who is starting wars and why? Where is the money going? I cannot fix this on my own but i will be there to help if i can. Its time to get humanist and stand up.

Warm regards paulchristo

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