Just one example of how propaganda works in practice.

in humanity •  last year 


So, we are programmed by the media, politicians and higher-ups, to believe that the world is experiencing a terrible SCARCITY of resources, right?

Oil, water, food, housing, jobs, etc. … even putting aside the question of whether or not the scarcities are being “created” — which, of course, they are.

The more relevant question is how then do people respond and what effect does their belief in the scarcity principle have?

(We know that globally, from 1970 until now, the average number of children a woman had dropped by 50% from 5 to 2 1/2. That’s some drop.)

Now if you believe the propaganda, then this is a good thing, because they’ll be less scarcity and it will seem that people are just becoming smarter about whether or not they should have kids.

Well, that sounds kind of SANE, right?

The only problem is that this sort of compliant mindset gives those who are in direct control of SO much, i.e., the predator class, (who were so intimately involved in the recent Hawaii meltdown) free reign to attack the whole world at the genetic level, the environmental level, and the economic level until people (and future parents) are so discombobulated that they either decide not to have kids or they find they’ve biologically lost the ability to procreate.

So then, returning to the example, believing in the propaganda would be pretty terrible choice for people to make… because it’s super charges the depopulation agenda, which, of course, could very well include your own kids … which, of course, they hadn’t considered when they bought into the propaganda in the first place. Because people don’t see consequences like that unless they have insight into the false narrative, which most people don’t. Period

So it is, dad most people just can’t see it that way, and so they go along and do what they are told to do.

And then you want to know why the world is so fucked up?

We’re losing the ability to be human, to be sovereign, to be intelligent and sceptical in the face of limitless brute force.

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