What's keeping Humanity from being free? How far down the rabbit hole have you gone? It is obvious that there are evil people in power. Are they Human, are you sure. To be Human one must have more than a Human body, one must have a Human soul also or at least a soul, from a Mammal, Bird or Vegetable people group as in the case for a Starseed or a Wanderer. There are over 100 million Starseeds and Wanderers within Humanity, they are not a problem, they are an asset.
The problem is there are about 60 thousand people with what I call a low soul, they don't have empathy for others and are prone to evil. Normally Reptile, Insect or Spider people have low souls and likely from a negative group. They can and have made clones and hybrids and put their souls in Human bodies and are in the process of taking over Humanity. They haven't got to the 1 world government yet. They have been here for thousands of years (Illuminati) and put their people in power, created money, shortages and terrible rules.!
What is even worse is an Insect group has come here, in the 1930s and upstaged the Illuminati. Their people are in power in about 180 countries. Their technology is like 5,000 years ahead of ours and I'm told they look like a Praying mantis. There are about 2,000 of them in a couple of underground military bases. There planet is about 26 light years away and they have cigar shaped ships. They want a nuclear war in 2018 with China hitting the USA and we don't respond. Then they put in a 1 world government and total control.
I'm told that they won't win, because enough of humanity is waking up. There are positive ETs with even higher technology, that won't allow nuclear weapons to go off, screwing up their plans some and we may get help from them too. We have them so outnumbered that if enough of us wake up, they lose. A lot of good things can happen, maybe the Messiah returns.
Come visit my site http://www.icheckyoursoul.com/ and get a Soul report.