Humanity is facing “Tsunami of Humanitarian Crises.”

in humanity •  4 years ago

I agree with every word that Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson said. THIS is what a legitimate leader of the free world would be saying to unify and focus humanity.

Why are more leaders not saying what we all know, that we should be reducing military spending and increasing medical spending, and that we should focus on our common enemy, the pandemic?

The head of the Vatican’s coronavirus taskforce said Tuesday that humanity is facing “a tsunami of humanitarian crises” caused by the convergence of medical, economic, and environmental factors.

This tsunami “has spread and spared no human life and no institution,” said Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson (pictured), who also heads the Vatican department for Integral Human Development, and in the wake of the pandemic and its lockdowns domestic violence, discrimination, prejudice, and global conflicts have all “reared their ugly head.”

Cardinal Turkson spoke these words during a July 7 Vatican press briefing, in which he added that the world is currently “facing one of the worst humanitarian crises since the Second World War.”

The cardinal noted his appreciation for the recent United Nations appeal for a global ceasefire, insisting that “there should be only one battle in the world: the battle against COVID-19.”

“Political tensions are rising, because of the decline in employment or the restrictions on movements,” he suggested, adding that the commission recognizes that “there can be no peace without reconciliation and healing.”

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Well said, we should rather combat against the spread of this deadly pandemic which is becoming adversity to human race than anything us. The solution might be finding the lasting curable drugs to will eradicate it once and for all. Thanks for sharing with us about our legend Ghanaian personalities and their thoughts. More information about Ghana is needed. You are also invited to the coming 50 days of Steem powered by @steemitblog. Thank you.