Iraq Christian Children beg and cry out to Trump for help, while Trump is continuing the same policies in Iraq, proves Policies Doesn't change

in humanity •  7 years ago 

Please read these articles and share by Shoebat. Trump is an Illuminati Puppet proves POLICIES DOESN'T CHANGE.
End the UN who values themselves with power and wealth, and anything Anti-christian such as Muslims while Christians are ignored.
All by Design,World's A Stage.
We should be accepting more Christians.
All by Design,World's A Stage. Every war is a Bankers War #NWOAgenda
Christian Children In Iraq Beg For Trump’s Help, Crying Out: “Please Help Us Mr. Trump”

Major Christian Leaders Declare That Trump Is Continuing The Same Obama Policies In Iraq, And That Persecuted Christians Are Not Even Getting Enough Aid

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A Veteran Asks, 'What's Worse, a Kneeling Millionaire or 300,000 Vets Neglected to Death?'

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wow you could not be more wrong. also trump has the illuminated against him in every way. DUMB!

Are you aware that President's are selected, not elected for the role they are in?
Those with the most royal blood are selected for Presidency.
"Did you know all 44 U.S. presidents have carried European royal bloodlines into office? 34 have been genetic descendants from just one person, Charlemagne, the brutal eighth century King of the Franks. 19 of them directly descended from King Edward III of England. In fact, the presidential candidate with the most royal genes has won every single American election."

Please read this link to watch for the Illuminati Symbolism, not just the gestures, look for the pyramids, eye of Ra, etc.

Ever since Trump has gotten in has been the same policies and status quo, despite creating jobs with manufacturing. The rest remains the same what about Term Limits and Draining the Swamp? Hasn't happened despite the some arrests of low level pedophiles and a few politicians, still the big fish hasn't been fried. Plus, the increase in the military industrial complex. Raping countries for resources it's all about the Petrodollar, protecting poppy fields, human trafficking, and other mineral resources.

Please check out A Call For An Uprising, displays common sense reasoning. Watch for the signs and symbolism.

HOW THEY SPEAK IN SIGN LANGUAGE! (EDUCATION 2017), Freemason Hidden Hand revealed

Yes they are all fucked.. so what?... Trump win is an upset. Let me repeat... Trump win is an upset. Hillary needed to get the guns before the civil war, now they have to wage it against an armed population. Gonna be ugly November 4th. But let's bash Trump and obsess about bloodlines and secret societies. Yes they are real... so what?... It's institutionalized corruption that enables them let us obsess about

The illuminus shit was fun when Bush was prez but super old news at this point and distracts from Motis Operandi.

I understand what you saying ok. Doesn't matter who's President we're f**** no matter what, just different ends if it we're Killary we would've been at War months ago, with Trump is down the road. Wouldn't take much now to start a Civil War 2. Question on outcome?
From what I understood about A Call For An Uprising and other channels are doing what they can in their own way to wake people up doesn't mean it's right or wrong. I understand the distractions with the propaganda and the real agenda with the Modus Operandi. Each of us are doing what we can in our time. What's wrong with that.

Not really what I'm sayin' at all... Trump is the wild card that creates opportunity for an anti-corruption purge. Civil War would move more slowly and methodically under Hillary. Trump was not in the plans!! DC mafia has had to step up and come out a little too soon with antifa-blm-blackblock terrorists. A strategic disadvantage for them! Look what you are blaming Trump for: Persecution of Christians abroad. Trump cannot change or enforce post war culture in Iraq. The Criminals waged that phony war (partly) to demoralize Americans ahead of this civil war/takeover. If you live in a US city of any size: good luck on Nov 4. And don't forget to blame trump for everything... lol...

Trump was in the plans, Bohemian Grove doesn't accept women there. The powers that shouldn't be were pushing for him to be President for decades. You are seriously not thinking and didn't want to be bothered and all biased which I've seen before. The other channels I've brought up have their way of sharing the news, not making the news. Who do you think really is behind the scenes? Trump is surrounded by swamp creatures and Goldmann Sachs within his administration. It's not just the persecution of Christians abroad, it's here in the US as well. Since you did not read the articles, you would have found how the money is distributed straight to the UN. They are the ones who dictate where it goes and has not gone to rebuilding the cities and towns. Only patch up works. The rest they have given it to the Muslims for profit.

Are you aware that Orban of Hungary is a Nazi and working with Merkel?
He made it clear that he did not care about Christians, was more interested in putting them in a Fema camp and call it a day. Yes, on not accepting any migrants in Hungary.
With the military buildup and other deals he's doing the same policies that it was before WWI.
By the way, I am not blaming Trump for everything, it's the advisers and those above Trump who run things behind the scenes. Ask yourself, why the status quo remains the same, no term limits, no shutting down the UN, audit the Fed, draining the swamp, wall being halted by Rino Ryan and gang. Foreign Policy and other Policies doesn't change. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. That is why it's important to understand what enemy we are facing with knowing and understanding who, what, when, where, and why, how, and their weakness. As far as the Antifa, blm, nazi's and other terrorists groups keep exposing and hit them hard at those who finance these groups are the root of the problem. Money is how these organizations are fueled and by cutting the head of the snake you get to the root of the problem and expose them, then see the big drop of these groups since they aren't getting paid to riot anymore. We don't know what's really going to happen on Nov. 4th, just like the 9/23 sensation. Do what we can to be ready, have funny feeling something will happen, not sure when.