Muslim Students Attack Christian Boy And Beat Him to Death for being a Christian, school does nothing, leaves his body while some Muslims Students take his body to hospital

in humanity •  7 years ago 

Articles are by Shoebat. Absolutely Insane and gut wrenching. Islam is not a religion of peace, it's a twisted evil cult and others too, intolerant of others, including Christianity.

Muslim Students Beat Christian Teenager While Screaming ‘You Are A Filthy Christian Demon’ In His Face Until He Dies, The School Leaves His Dead Body On The Floor And The Students Take His Corpse To The Hospital

Completely agree with this viewers who commented:
"Poor, poor, poor boy!!!! Those arch-BASTARDS were truly so utterly heartless, doing absolutely EVERYTHING to hurt him in life that they could - and God Knows how the school-faculty were no doubt delighted to have the outsider die every bit as much as virtually all those students!!!!!

I can only speculate about those students who had the tiny bit of decency in them to take the body to the hospital: why would those who killed him even do that?? Was it merely the knowledge that they couldn't leave it to decay and soil the grounds? [Enough of those wretches indeed have such total disregard of sanitation that they WOULD leave it to decay...] Did ANY of them repent of their crime (especially over something so utterly-trivial as access to drinking water?? Hopefully at least one more Christian will come out of the ranks of those soul-murderers...

[So THIS is how Moslems rejoice in taking over countries and forcing peoples to convert??? Even past violating their own Qur'ân (no compulsion in religion)??]

Yes, it's these CHRISTIANS that we Westerners should be importing - NOT those Moslem arch-ZOMBIES who've been taught not to control themselves!!!! Truly, Satan has taken over virtually all our élitists... Christ Simply CAN'T POSSIBLY Return sooner than needed..."

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What part of "religion of peace" don't you get? This post has nothing to do with islam or muslims.