The defense mechanism of ignorance

in humanity •  4 years ago 

Every person has very important days that they cannot forget, that is, a turning point in their life. These days are always remembered with bittersweet memories¸ and are brought before other days. For example, a birthday a wedding day a death day an establishment or a date of extinction. In fact, even history was written on behalf of these very important days, and as a result, these special days cost history and humanity.


It's really hard to get along with these people. The ignorant and their intelligence level are very shallow. They perceive me as a threat because I am a good person. Defense mechanisms are an indestructible huge wall. Because of their lack of intelligence, they are easily caught in feelings like jealousy, and if they sense that such bad feelings are more under control in someone else, they think of them as enemies, and they do all the evil they can. They don't even make them breathe. This is a type of defense mechanism, overreaction. They are very weak.

That is why it is very difficult to live together with the ignorant in this world. They bring you in your nose.

I have had a lot of different jobs and have always been mistreated. Because I was not like them. I was fine and not jealous like them, and I was smart. So I thought I was something superior to him. I was a threat.
It's the same at home. It takes a thousand witnesses to say father.

If you are smart or beautiful or if you think positively, you are unfortunately a threat, and your job in this world is much more difficult. Because they are many and they are all around.

There are many examples of turning points in life. It varies according to age and time, but if we want to rank it anyway; What are the transition period from childhood to youth or adolescence period, university election period or profession selection period, starting period, marriage period, childbearing period, growth period of children, period of having office-holding position, period of owning property? I can hear you say.

How hard you try to get something you want. Especially if it is very difficult for you, if there are setbacks, the situations where we need to learn will make it even more difficult, right? Maybe we'll come to the point of giving up. Here, if we can not give up there and take one more step; Believe that miracles that will be the turning point of our lives will take place.

Let's say your foot is broken. Do not worry about that! Maybe God will give you wings instead of the foot taken from you. Look at these flying birds! Don't worry about being in the dark!
As you know very well, "Maybe life begins where we say it's over."

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