Episode 1136

in humanityforthewin •  last year 

Full Metal Ox Day 1071
Sunday 04, February 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1136

Sunday Melánge 108

Nothing is real. But then again nothing doesn't exist, because everything is everything. I "gno" this. Nonetheless while I'm on this realm, I'm going to play the "reality game."
Today's round is about Extroverts & Introverts. The psychology of (perceived) human behavior and motivation fascinates the demons out of me.
Some time last year I did a piece on the "origin" of the "extro/intro" thing. You know that it's only about 100 years old. CG Jung came up with these tags to describe very outgoing people & very shy, keep-to-themselves people. Before the terms were minted and given credence by academia, introverts and extroverts didn't exist.
This is part of my fascination. Some psychologist, (one who studies the human psyche) coins a term and suddenly the entire human population is divided into two parts.
That's some true voodoo right there.
Today in part one of our rantcast miniseries, we present our idea of how exos & intros approach their respective wellness. This is not an academic video, and there are more questions than answers.
If you happen to identify or behave as an "extrovert" please fill me in on what I've gotten incorrect. Same if you're a self-styled introvert.
I'm having a hellova human experience, but I only have one perspective, so I speculate based on my own interpretation of the system frequency, (vibes). I'd welcome your feedback.
Hindsight 20/20 back-spins to this day four years ago. Our basic thinking strategy has improved but hasn't strayed too far from the fundamentals we held at the beginning of the decade.

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YouTube: The Fitness Journey: We're currently in the winter bulking season. But we're doing more flexibility work as well. It's our intention to bulk muscle, slowly & continue to shred fat. I doesn't get crazy cold down here so we expect our outdoor activity to continue. Follow for tips, strategies, results, evals, and adjustments.

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Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: [email protected]
Telegram t.me/noxsoma

Living is the best part of life.

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