Episode 1178

in humanityforthewin •  11 months ago 

Full Metal Ox Day 1113
Sunday, 17 March 2024
Apocalypse Year Episode 1178

Sunday Melánge 114

It's getting kinda hectic in da hood on this day in 2020. I'm wondering, if you happen to be following this series if these flashbacks are conjuring memories. Good? Not so good? I find myself feeling pangs of anger. I know more than I knew then. But I knew enough then that I can do what I'm doing now.
Speaking of change, the neighborhood where I'm temporarily living in South Florida is changing, rapidly in the context of social evolution. It's probably a microcosm of the national society as a whole. Today we take a "tour de hood" and share some rantcasty observations.
And of course, we're thinking about changing up how we present this series as well. So we got that going. Typical Sunday.
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SEASON 1 of FMO on the archives

Program notes hive.blog/@noxsoma

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YouTube: The Fitness Journey: We're currently in the winter bulking season. But we're doing more flexibility work as well. It's our intention to bulk muscle, slowly & continue to shred fat. I doesn't get crazy cold down here so we expect our outdoor activity to continue. Follow for tips, strategies, results, evals, and adjustments.

Park Session 13:
Over the Top

Park Session 12
Return to the Rose Philly

Park Session 11
Last Stand in Miami


Episode 033

Birthday Burpees: Season 3.5 Session 04 Monkey Bars

Leap Day Fitness
Episode 032

Episode 031

Park Session 10
Sweet Intensity

Episode 030

03 Monkey Bars
Remembering Old Moves

Mega Shoulder Thorsday
Episode 029

Get strong. Be strong. Stay strong. Don't panic. Don't freak out. Humanity for the win!

Contact: [email protected]
Telegram t.me/noxsoma

Living is the best part of life.

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