(Repost) Former 'Child Prostitute' Claims Jerry Sandusky was Part of a Child Pedophile Ring

in humantrafficking •  7 years ago  (edited)


In light of the recent explosive article published by Disobedient Media entitled Victim’s Testimony Reveals Establishment-Connected East Coast Trafficking Network I thought it was a good time to revisit an article I posted 8 months ago on the very same subject.


Journalist Elizabeth Vos does an excellent job threading together various child sex abuse scandals along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States and showing connections between convicted pedophiles such as Dennis Hastert andJerry Sandusky with the existence of a suspected child trafficking ring in operation for decades.

Here's the link to the original piece:


Former 'Child Prostitute' Claims Jerry Sandusky was Part of a Child Pedophile Ring

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The allegations come from a 2012 article in The Atlantic where the man also claims that the football coach from a high level private school in Brooklyn, named Phil Foglietta, was involved in the rape and molestation of young boys.

Now 48 years old, the victim sent a letter to Brooklyn Poly Prep school stating:

(Between) 1977-1980 I was a child prostitute associated with a tri-state (NYC-NJ-PA) pedophile ring. (During the) summer of 1979 I was brought to the State College area by Ed Savitz for the purpose of child prostitution with Jerry Sandusky at a Second Mile fundraiser ... Due to time constraints, Sandusky became unavailable and I was introduced to Phil Foglietta by Ed Savitz & Jerry Sandusky. Foglietta was introduced to us as Coach Phil who coached youth football in NYC. Foglietta agreed to pay $200.00 for child sex and followed us back to a Philadelphia hotel, myself (sic)ad another child prostitute then engaged coach Phil in child sex.

Source: The Atlantic

The article also points out the disturbing connection between Sandusky's Second Mile charity and a child prostitution ring. Sandusky was known to victimize the vulnerable young boys from Second Mile.

At the time of these allegations the Feds were investigating allegations of a child sex ring that Sandusky may have been operating providing children to Penn State boosters.

Second Mile

Matthew 5:41: "And whosoever shall compel thee to go one mile, go with him two."

"The children we serve have often experienced many broken promises in their young lives; that's why our mantra has always been 'No broken promises, ever.' We need to continue to be the family they can count on," Second Mile's 2010 annual report said.


Fan Daily

Sandusky's charity derived its name from Jesus' sermont on the Mount in the book of Matthew. Jerry and his with Dottie had 6 adopted children before Jerry decided he wanted to create a charity for under privileged children. In 1977, The Second Mile charity was founded.

Started as a small home for six troubled boys outside State College, it has grown to a statewide organization whose mission is to help "young people to achieve their potential as individuals and community members by providing opportunities for them to develop positive life skills and self-esteem."

Mr. Sandusky and his wife Dottie have six adopted children and had cared for foster children, which led them to start the nonprofit. Mr. Sandusky was inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame in 1999 and received awards for Second Mile including the 1993 NAACP Human Rights Award, the 1995 YMCA Service-To-Youth Award and the 1996 SGMA Heroes Award. President George Bush nationally recognized it as a philanthropic "Point Of Light" in November 1990.

It was also within the charity that Mr. Sandusky "found his victims," a grand jury presentment stated. "Through The Second Mile, Sandusky had access to hundreds of boys, many of whom were vulnerable due to their social situations."

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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In 1998, a boy known as victim No. 6, told his mother that he had showered with Mr. Sandusky and the boys' mother contacted Penn State University police. The police interviewed the boy and Sandusky who claimed nothing inappropriate had transpired and the internal investigation resulted with no charges against Sandusky.

Even though Sandusky partially confessed to wrong doing nothing was done about the shower incident.

When the mother confronted Sandusky, he said: "I understand. I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won't get it from you. I wish I were dead," according the presentment from the grand jury.

An investigator for Children and Youth Services broke the news to the mother: It was all a big mistake, the mother said she was told. The police officer who investigated won't comment. Neither will the former police chief.

"Jerry Sandusky admitted to my face, he admitted it," the mother said. "He admitted that he lathered up my son they were naked and he bear-hugged him. If they would have done something about it in 1998, and then again in 2002—there was two chances they dropped the ball and I think they should all be held accountable."

Source: Deadspin


The following year (1999), Sandusky retired form Penn State to devote his full attention to Second Mile, where he would stay on until 2010. A grand jury report describes how Mr. Sandusky would target boys between the ages of 7-12 who were in their 2nd year at the charity. Sandusky would host sleepovers for the boys in the basement of his home and would bring them to football games with him. It was in the basement of his home, the university showers and the Penn State athletic facilities where Sandusky would 'provoke sexual encounters'.

There are multiple links between the charity and Penn State. Mr. Sandusky was given full access to university facilities in his 1999 retirement agreement, and the presentment says a 1998 investigation of an alleged encounter between Mr. Sandusky and a boy in a football shower was reviewed with the knowledge of then-university counsel Wendell Courtney, who remains counsel for Second Mile.

After a graduate assistant reported seeing Mr. Sandusky anally rape a boy in the football building showers in 2002, Penn State athletic director Tim Curley told the assistant the incident had been reported to Second Mile. Mr. Curley told the grand jury that he informed the Second Mile CEO, Mr. Raykovitz, about the report and told Mr. Sandusky he was prohibited from bringing youths onto campus.

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For over 10 years following the 1998 shower allegations Sandusky continued his work at the Charity for which he received close to $500, 000 annually. The executives at Second life also paid themselves handsomely. including Mr. Raykovitz who received well over $1 million from 1998 until 2011 while Katherine Genovese earned $912,563 during the same period. These are obscene amounts which adds another layer of filth and depravity surrounding Sandusky, the charity and Penn State.

The Second Mile was dissolved in 2012 with the organization transferring the remainder of their assets to Arrow Child and Family Ministries, a Texas based charity.

At his sentencing hearing in October of 2012, Sandusky appeared unremorseful as the judge sentenced him to 30-60 years for the sexual abuse of 10 boys.

To date, there haven't been any arrests made in connection to a greater child prostitution ring.

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Huffington Post

Like Father Like Son

Earlier this year, Jeffrey Sandusky was arrested and charged with child sexual abuse by Pennsylvania law enforcement.

Pennsylvania State Police detained Sandusky on 14 felony counts involving two girls, including solicitation of statutory sexual assault, solicitation of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, six counts of unlawful contact with a minor and two counts each of solicitation to photograph or depict sexual acts, sexual abuse of children and corruption of minors.

The 41-year-old Sandusky is being held on $200,000 bail and is prohibited from any contact with minors.

Jeffery Sandusky is charged with soliciting sex from a minor, primarily through text messages. It was reported that he was dating the 14 year old girl's mother at the time of the solicitations.

Additionally, Sandusky is accused of having sexual intercourse with a minor under the age of 16 in a separate incident.

Source: USA Today

Crime Watch Daily

When I first put this post together I intended to do a follow up on the Sandusky case but I've had it sitting on the back burner for quite some time now. The Bizarre death of prosecutor, Ray Gricar, who refused to try Sandusky back when allegations first surfaced is worth examining.

Elizabeth Vos's piece is a very important piece of the puzzle providing more weight to the claims of a child prostitute ring on the East Coast, be sure to follow here at Disobedient Media.



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I despair when I read these stories.
How often is it that a charity/sporting organisation/church group etc has been exposed as a cover for molesting/trafficking children?
It really pisses me off that the most vulnerable are preyed upon by these deviant scum and with barely a word form the MSM.
There is no way that this type of crime would be as prevalent as it is if we had a free media. The press could easily whip up public opinion to force the authorities to stamp this shit out, but they don't. Instead quite often they are apologists for these bastards. Not many things get my blood boiling but child abuse is horrendous and the scum that partake should be taken to the woodshed!
Thanks for your work V. Depressing but absolutely needed.

Thank you for this post. I had a family member who worked at AZ child protective services, quit after two years and won't talk about the experience other than to say "you won't believe what these people are doing".

thank you for this blog it gave an in depth information about the story and time frames of the crimes that were made. this is sad because mostly the people who runs charities and organizations saying "they help children" are the one with the most heinous intentions and they hide under professional and respectable mask that is why most of the time victims would cry for help but no one will believe them. its about time, they need to pay for their crimes

Great great job. I knew when they were caught they would be hyped while the larger ring would be ignored. Many rumors that Trump is really going to drain these fuckers. I wish I could have confidence that it is true and that he is not one of them. They are fighting tooth and nail though to get him out though.

The internet May have opened the public's conscious to this issue in a useful way. When I was a kid all of these activities got out everywhere. There was hope for help from this plague. However by using child pornographers as expert witnesess and corrupt F.B.I. to claim satanic ritual abuse is fully made up they called the whole time "satanic panic" and washed it all away.

Maybe this time people have wised up

The problem for us kids is that the State predates upon us into adulthood. It rendered me Stateless in USA.

What a disgusting web these sick depraved monsters weave, actually the word monster is far too easy for these people walk amongst us. As the Sandusky case shows they wear many masks and have infiltrated all walks of life. They say that many people that abuse have been abused and so the arrest of Sandusky's son perhaps speaks volumes as to the life his children had. Like yourself it's my belief that this web of perversion has spread far wider than we're led to believe so thank you for rasing an awareness and continuing an investigation that many have forgotten about. Thank you @v4vapid

Thanks for sharing .... this is perhaps the best article of the month .... the message is so important .... our children and kids of the world need protection ....pedos are societies silent monsters ... they should dealt with in the harshest manner

I think people should go back through twitter form a while back and check out this Anon profile: https://twitter.com/OpDeathEaters.
I kept thinking about the posts I saw from this account when the Weinstein/Spacey/everyone else news was coming out and Corey Feldman was talking about a pedo ring in Hollywood.
My take away -- my dots connected, is basically that those with money and those in power will continue to abuse the rest of the world in any and every way they can. This isn't new, people are just talking more. But if the crypto movement does anything of real value (beyond wealth transfer) it will be to take power from the powerful.

Good work on the article keep it up great work thanks to shearing @v4vapid

I have had similar things done to me as a child. Pandering, trafficking, and other abuse. NY State Police, FBI, Social Services, Niagara County NY, etc are involved with my parents. Odd problem? I might not believe this as an adult, the child harms were so well buried I could not recall them. I agree this is more than plausible, it likely is FACT.

My witness is here:


Yeah, Joe Paterno in my estimation, at the very least, knew this was going on and turned a blind eye or he was also involved in the abuse to some degree.
If the ring is exposed they make some sort of sacrifice, Sandusky in this case, and just go with the 'one bad apple' / depraved individual narrative.

It is odd and I'd say that sounds right since he had to know something. Point is these people share information and somehow rendezvous on it quickly.

If you knew how I have been misled and to what degree and for how long these people will protect their cabal, you might be dumbfounded to the point it would seem impossible.

Look at how far these people went to do this to me. It HAD to stem from the child harms, and those included homicides. NY State has gone so far as to suggest it was punitive and deserved and otherwise not related to other crimes done to me.

My closest friends were Doug and Tom Golde of Wilson NY. Their mother Ellen Golde worked Niagara County Social Services doing fraud investigation. They conspired in the child harms and the adult harms.

They denied service overall and I was told circa 2008 by Paul Gregorie who staffed at NYS Workers' Compensation Board in Buffalo NY that I had to leave. This comes from them sitting on claims since 1981 for what I now learn is a homicide and not a car accident. True. Marriage and annulment is another one, since State used the bogus wife to cause harm. They instead decided to do equitable distribution and paid her my money. That can't work.

For my case Police are involved and this will self-incriminate State more easily.

For the other people and I'd say this problem with Paterno et al as well, how do these people join these groups and share info? It makes me wonder.

They know their own somehow and who they can trust and they involve larger bodies of people with medical and legal expertise to enact the frauds that support them.

They are too savvy and too technically brilliant in many diverse fields.

wow great,interesting post, I really like

omg this is so horrible! :( ughhhhhhhhhh. So awful what these victims had to live through.

thank you for this blog

OMG, very shameful attitudes towards the little and unfortunate children. Yes friend we people carry on us Various characteristics, excualy I don't understand why that old man running after it, phisical needs is so important? It is a kind of cruelties towards humanity. The so called protection institutions are the main profounder all of the deeds.Thanks for the great information, wish you a very good time friend happy steeming.

I really do not understand how a grown man could explain having to shower with a young boy. Is water that scarce that they cannot afford to shower separately? Oh, the son is that way too? I know it would only be a matter of time that someone may try to associate it with a paedophilia gene or whatever it is that people do when they try to explain the unexplainable. Thank you for sharing.

I agree

it's a pretty strong story that leaves you thoughtful

There's some twisted ass people out there!! I can't understand how some peoples brains work. Thanks for another great article V4VAPID!! YEW!

@v4vapid this is such an awful thing that happened to those boys, and the fact that Sandusky could had been stopped from 1998 incident. I'm bit speechless. Thank you for sharing. Best wishes - @splendorhub

That is really a crime. in my Vietnam, the rights of children are not properly protected. Crime and child sexual abuse are increasing in number.

This is so sad! Justice for the kids please.

Thank you @ v4vapid for sharing this.. Resteemed!

Humans can be so cruel.

The problem doesn't go away magically if society chooses to ignore it. Pedophilia is the topic that no one wants to discuss, and yet we must for the children.

The question that comes to mind: Why are we such cowards?

Excellent article, @v4vapid. Resteemed

I liked your post. So I voted and commented on your post.

thanks for sharing this aricle @v4vapid.... they should pay for their crimes.....

Keep hammering. Until we see Clintons in cuffs we are not to the bottom of this sick rat hole. THANK YOU for keeping this topic in the public eye.

really good post..... upvoted!!

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