ADSactly Fun - Spring Is In The Air-Motorcycles Everywhere

in humor •  6 years ago 

Spring Is In The Air-Motorcycles Everywhere

You Know You Want One


It’s Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and motorcycles are starting to appear everyplace. It’s that time of year.

Lots of people spend some time thinking of buying a motorcycle and ‘hitting the road’ this time of year. Some will even do so.

Chrome and leather is a look that a lot of people want and admire even if they aren’t bikers. But you can’t just wear the leather, you have to have a story. I’m here to help you out.

If you are a new rider, or just want to wear the gear, this list is for you. In more or less alphabetical order, and each with a sentence or two to let you know how to use the term in casual conversation.

Without further ado, it is clearly time for

Big Tom's Amazing Alphabetical List of Biker Terms

1%er: An Outlaw Biker. 99% of all riders are decent, law abiding folks. One percenters aren’t.

Don’t wear a 1% patch on your jacket unless you are ready to prove you deserve it.

Airheads: Older BMW air cooled motorcycles. Hair color has nothing to do with this. Be prepared to answer questions involving slash ie: a /7 Model designation for an airhead.

I really started riding on a slash 7 airhead back in the day.

Biker: A motorcycle rider who loves the lifestyle and dresses for it. Generally a rugged individualist who dresses just like all the other rugged individualists.

Bikers are normally found in or near a Tavern or Motorcycle Shop, Riders are on the road.


Chaps: Leather protective riding gear that does not cover the groin or butt. Very much look better on some than others. Bonus points if your chaps are crash scarred. Derived from the old west Cowboys.

Chaps are generally found where Bikers are found.


Dirt Squirter: Motorcycle made for offroad riding only, not legal on roadways. Fast and furious, not for the faint of heart. Falling down is part of the game.

Yeah, I have a dirt squirter at home, I just rode the Hog to the Tavern.

Evo: Evolution Harley Davidson motor made from 1984-2000. Raised stock Horsepower on HDs from 55 to 58. There is a reason HD doesn’t publish HP numbers.

I owned an Evo before I got the Twin Cam.


Farkle: Accessories bolted on after purchase. Some are useable, most are chrome. Don’t believe the old adage ‘Chrome won’t get you home.’

Yeah, my old lady said if I buy one more farkle she’s going to shove it so far up I will walk funny for a month.

Grocery Getter: A Biker’s car. Used to take the kids to school and for shopping.

I brought the grocery getter because I thought it might rain.


Hog: Harley Davidson. Noted for the ability to turn gasoline directly into noise without any appreciable Horsepower gain.

HOG: Harley Owners Group. An association of Harley Davidson Owners. Most are Rugged Individualists.

I rode my Hog to the HOG meeting but nobody showed.

Iron Butt: An association of riders who go long. Minimum qualification for membership is 1000 miles in 24 hours. Verified. Riders only, bikers need not apply.

I finished the last Iron Butt Rally with 12,200 miles in 11 days.


Jugs: Cylinder assemblies or a part of a woman’s anatomy.

That Hog has chrome jugs.

Kickstand: Holds the motorcycle upright when not being used.

If you don’t get your kickstand down right you better know how to pick your bike up.

Leathers: Riding gear made of leather. Ankle to neck coverage, required for racers. Optional for race posers.

When you are sliding along the asphalt you will be happy you wore your leathers.


Monkey Butt: A painful condition often associated with a long ride. A little sweat, a little vibration and you too can complain about Monkey Butt.

I got a serious case of Monkey Butt first day out and had 3 days of riding left.


Naked: A bike with no fairing. No wind or rain protection. Often favored by Hooligans, a subset of the motorcycle community in general.

A naked Harley is a biker’s bike.

Organ Donor: A rider that doesn’t wear a helmet.

Look at that. An organ donor.

Poser: Person who pretends to be a rider. May or may not be a biker, but the story is always good.

  • What a poser. He doesn’t know his ass from his elbow.*

Quick Shift: Shifting before the motor gets near the powerband. Harley riders in particular like this action because it accentuates the V Twin growl. Or at least they seem to think it does.

He quick shifted into 4th gear before he was doing 30 MPH.

Rat Bike: Built with other things ie: Fire Extinguisher for the gas tank, a wrench for the shifter. Looks like McGyver built the whole thing in a junkyard.

That rat bike was so well done it was the star of the show.


Squid: Inexperienced rider on a new sport bike. Usually also qualifies as an organ donor.

Like the sea creature the squid can go fast in a straight line but doesn’t turn well.

Tar Snakes: Cracks in pavement sealed with liquid asphalt. As slick as ice when the weather is warm.

I hit a tar snake in the middle of a corner and down I went.


UJM: Universal Japanese Motorcycle Very standard motorcycle from Japan. They all look alike, ride alike and perform alike. From all manufacturers.

UJM isn’t a bad deal, they have sold millions.

Vincent: A legendary British manufacturer that went out of business in the 50s. The fastest production motorcycle on earth during the early 50s.

Of all the bikes I wish I’d owned, the Vincent Black Lightning is at the top of the list.


Wheelie: Riding with the front wheel off the ground. See also Hooligans. Sometimes performed accidentally.

An unexpected wheelie with an 800 pound motorcycle is exciting.

X Out: Dead.

He got the X Out from a Buick that was turning left.

Yikes: Expression of fear and relief. Always accompanied by an adrenaline rush. Always.

Yikes. I took that corner wayyy too fast.

Zero: None. Nada. Never.

He had zero chance of making that corner at that speed.

There you have it. This is not intended to be a definitive list, but certainly is enough to give you a good start.

Now go down to your local dealer or hit Craig’s List to buy yourself a motorcycle. You now have enough terminology to not be branded as a newbie. At least until you kill your new motorcycle in an intersection, then who cares? You are riding, aren’t you?

Go get your feet in the wind.

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I really want one! nice post thank you for sharing

When you're riding, your mind is clear and free from all confusions. You have focus and concentration. And suddenly the vision becomes sharper, the sounds are richer and you're filled with the deep, powerful presence of life. These helmets and leathers gives us Superman like feeling. You get this feeling of invincible.

When you get to ride the best motorcycle that mankind ever invented in this world, You have to appreciate and feel blessed about it. Because nothing in this world lasts forever.

Happy Riding!


Yes! I love that I can smell things, too! I just love riding.

I does last a good long time if you are lucky like me. Over 50 years.

I can already hear the sound of motorcycle engines waking up after the hibernation. People (in particular bikers and amateurs) are happy to feel this unrestrained sense of freedom on the road again.

I think that for many "uninitiated" that is simple people of words the biker associates with people who ride a motorcycle. Some associate it with a high risk for life, as riding a motorcycle is fraught with danger. But this opinion is created by individuals who like to punt on a motorcycle. But for people like me being a biker means being a person who can feel freedom and not be burdened. As I wrote earlier to be a biker - this is a way of life.

The main means for achieving freedom and then without a chege is not possible to be a biker - it's an "iron horse". The article is written in a very interesting and understandable language for each person about the types of motorcycles and biker slang. The article is interesting for reading both experienced bikers and anyone. I read everything "in one go." The most important thing is that now I have added my vocabulary and have a great understanding of terminology. (although I thought I knew quite a lot).

Thanks for the work done. Good luck on the roads!

Thanks. Always good to hear from a fellow rider. We understand why the dog sticks his head out of the car window, don't we?

I have always admired motorcycles from afar. I think they are beautiful machines. They are sleek and sexy and who doesn't like the idea of speed. However, I have never had any desire to ride one. There is something about having nothing between me and the asphalt in the occasion of an accident that has always made me shy away. I guess I worry about the possibility of being an "Organ Donar". I do however love a good ride on an outdoor 4-wheeler. Maybe someday I will become a "squid" and hop on a bike and give it a whirl. I'm sure I'd be popping my first "wheelie" in no time. I have always been a truck guy I guess. I must say though that I thoroughly enjoyed learning these terms. Thanks for sharing!!

My kid brother and I grew up exactly the same. I got a MC when I was 13. He rode it maybe 3 times and has never, ever been a rider. It's not for everybody.

But it sure is for me.

This post is AWESOME. It brings me back to an amazing part of my life when I lived on two wheels for an era. I started riding on an old Yamaha that didn't run, which my father gave me to fix when I was 15 or 16. I eventually sold that for a cooler beat-up bike and fixed that up to be resold a couple years later. This action repeated a few times until I was finally able to get my dream bike: a 1998 Harley Davidson FLHR (Road King). OH MY..that was the best bike ever. I could go on for hours about what I did to it and where we went together....but I digress...when my dog got cancer about a decade ago I had to sell my bike to pay for Loki's amputation and chemotherapy. I lost Loki two years after his treatments and have been aching to get back on two wheels again someday. My hope is that I can make some good life moves to be able to afford that bike again! Thank you for inspiring my thoughts about riding and about Loki. -Much Respect

I'm glad I got you thinking about riding again because, well, you know. Good Luck to you!

What a pity, you had monkey butt. Lol
I hope you got over it quick enough.

It is not a laughing matter when you have it :) Not even a little bit.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Great post 👍
I have made a detailed post about rare custom bikes in New Zealand. You will surely like those unique bikes. Check out my latest post.
Cheers !

that evo looks like a serious beast, i like it and wanna ride it, this bike are serious machines, awesome , and the monkey but is hilarious

I had great fun writing this, and finding the pictures was fun too. Glad you enjoyed it!

Great topic for motorcycle lovers. The Royal Enfield brand also has great bikes and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg like Harley or Ducati hahaha.

Dry funny jet bicycle video lol 😂

haha yes funny jet bicycle @josteem

Royal Enfield is really doing some remarkable things with their brand. I'm really glad to see them progress past the Bullet.

bikes are love

They certainly are for me!

Wow this engine is umbelievable! It has so much power! Really cool how the bikes do the flyby! And the kart is absolutely incredible, especially at the nighttime scene when the gallery get all hot and red! Upvoted and thanks for the post!

That is a beautiful motor, isn't it?

These bikes are absolutely crazy.
Motorcycles already scare me just by themselves but one that can go that fast that quickly will probably give me a heart attack.
It sounds just like a rocket ship haha
I'm glad that Brian wasn't arrested but it doesn't sound good for his back wall which was obliterated by the motorcycle @adsactly! :)

I find that as I get older my need for speed goes down:) I'm sure there is a mathematical formula to express that but I know it to be true!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I've never been around a jet MC. But I have been around some 'exotic fuel' beasts. They are just astounding in their power and noise.

The aprilia really caught my eyes! Nice bike.

Isn't it beautiful? I'm really glad I got to use that picture.

12,000 in 11 Days .... that's some well deserved monkey butt Tom. I've never done an official "Iron Butt", but as motorcycle courier if nobody was paying to me ride 1,000 miles in a day, I sure as hell wasn't riding them.

A couple of years ago, after being told by 2 German BMW GS Adventure riders in Northern Thailand that such a journey would be impossible, I rode 1,000Km in 20 hours back to Bangkok on my tiny Honda C90.
Thankfully no Monkey Butt, but when I finally parked the scooter I cried like a baby and couldn't walk for 3 days....... never again.

Keep riding and smiling..... Geoff @poorcirculation

I understand the 'not able to walk' thing. Trust me.

I've never run the Iron Butt rally, but lots of friends have. Like anything else, there are 'tricks and tips' and a community of long riders that pretty much stick together.

I do try to make at least one nice long ride per year. Sometimes the hardest thing of all is getting back on the bike the next day...

There were a bunch out this weekend I had to hit pause on my movie because I couldn't hear it. I live right on a major road and it's big with the bike crowd

Some people like the noise. I don't. My Connie is extremely quiet, as I prefer. I hate that any of us distract people that aren't even on the road.

Jugs:..... or a part of a woman’s anatomy. This cracked me up!

Heee heee hee. Glad you caught it :)

Wow... This is very impressive. @adsactly post is making me falling in love with bikes again.

I just wanna ride man, I just wanna ride - wild hogs

Uh hu. That's what I'm talking about!

The black and white photo is awesome.
I am very familiar with monkey butt for sure :0
Thank you for educating us. Very cool article.


There is a commercial product that really works called "Anti Monkey Butt Powder". I carry some with me on long rides. It can be a serious problem.

hehehehe ok @bigtom13, I will have that in my mind ;)

I like this your humor.
I appreciate your blog.
Thanks for sharing post.

Thank you! I had so much fun writing this...

Very interesting to get a detailed insight in the life and language of bikers! :)
If I wouldn't be so easily distracted and such a daydreamer, I'd love to ride my own bike. But I prefer letting someone else ride it and just hop on, that's more safe for me :D

The monkey butt one really killed me HAHAHAHA :D

I know a few couples that tour two up. Riding is riding and the freedom is the same whether you are twisting the throttle or not.

The Monkey Butt IS fun, isn't it?

Well said! :) I think it's even pretty cool to sit on the back and just enjoy the feeling and view instead of having to drive for yourself all the time :)
It both has its beautiful sides :)

Hahahaha, yeas the monkey butt is really, really fun :D

Thank you very much for your reply! :)

Have a great day!

That monkey shittttt!!!!
Love the rest of the photos except that one. Aaargh.
Love. Love. Your posts so far. Please Keeping them coming.

LOL. If you've ever had a case of monkey butt that photo will bring tears to your eyes. Serious.

Sad or happy tears? Clearly I haven't. Looks so disgusting and painful.
Gives me the creeps.
That's just me.

Sad. I mean it feels like that one looks.

I saw your posting well.

I did not understand it because my English was not good.

But I have enjoyed reading your post about Motorcycles in alphabetical order.

I do not ride motorcycles, but I got a lot of relevant information.

I am introducing Korean food.

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Have a good day ~ !!!

I not only like motorcycles, I like Korean food. Thanks for the response.

thank you for your kindess. :)

You forgot the term Beemer Wienie- a BMW rider that is very particular, generally stuck up and criticizes your BMW(vintage airhead) for not being "original" or "right"
" Ohh I'm sorry Mr. Richard Head I'm not a retired engineer and I ride my bike, Thanks"

Ahahahahaha I don't ride a BMW because I can't afford the clothes :)

I could have written PAGES. I limited it to one per letter. I love yours!

very nice powerbike. would so love to ride that someday. thumbs up

대박 멋있어요

Powerbike is life!

some thing like this is the key to the future. where we will be seeing flying cars and motocycle how cool is that. Technology. like they say technology makes work easier and faster do you agree with me!!...

The unique and exciting motorbike from the marcedes, was amazing


Congratulations for your work, very good brother, greetings continue like this

This is really cool, hoping to see more from the blog


Great topic for motorcycle lovers.........

If you vote me, I'll vote you.

good post

Its a good job

I loved your contribution brother, greetings and follow the success


Wow this is truly amazing and wonderful, upvoted and resteemed

A mi hijo le encanta las motos, a mi particularmente no me gusta andar en moto, las considero peligrosas y es un deporte de alto riesgo, gracias por compartir tu historia de las motos, un abrazo.

very nice motorcycle .

thanks for such a good contribution, we need to see more of this here hermno ... keep going

Its good look and impressive .i have also stuff but no in such condition :)IMG_20160107_182058.jpgIMG_20160107_182251.jpg

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Very informative post, i kew first time about bike 🚲 explanation...
Good one

Wow! A huge post of very interesting information about cycles! Thanks!


wow,very excllent motorcycle

Good post.Thank you for this beautiful post. If you follow me and like all my posts, I will follow you and I will comment on all your posts


this bike is most powerful


This post is so expository. Am not a biker tho but I find this so interesting and enlightening. Would probably overcome my biking phobia soon

Congratulations @adsactly!
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Really good fun! Thank you

Your post is very good!

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your post all so good. i like it @adsactly

Hola @adsactly
Excelente terminología.
Me divertí mucho leyéndolo.
Ratero: motociclista dedicado al robo de carteras. Usualmente viaja en motos Empire, Vera y cualquier otra de fabricación china.
Saludos y Gracias por el artículo