RE: A Tin Tenth Anniversary

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A Tin Tenth Anniversary

in humor •  3 years ago  (edited)

One could say that about spiders, too.... :)

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Yes, but one would be wrong. :-)

Well, may be spiders are also trying to look cute? It just doesn't work most of the time.

I'm sure they're cute to other spiders.

My so far unpublished SF novel features a race of aliens who look uncannily like spiders--and my main character is arachnophobic, but has a friendship with one of them.

What a coincidence! Is he a firefighter as well, by any chance? :)

Well, may be cute is not the right word when it comes to spiders. Or octopusses, Nevertheless they are amazing creatures. Like those tiny jumping spiders, that look like a creation for a Pixar movie. Only we never notice that, until we see a massively enlarged photo of it.
And both spiders and octopusses are probably the closest to an alien that we can find on earth. Well, may be a few more, like slime funguses...

Nope, he's a soldier, although the story does start with a fire, in a way. A lot of my characters hate spiders, though--definitely a case of an author inserting himself into the characters!

There's a serious theory going around that octopusses might be literally alien--the descendants of some kind of microbial life brought here on a meteor or comet. They're THAT different from the rest of us! Say, maybe the Kardashians are aliens ...

That sounds a bit like "Enemy Mine"... :)

Well, there is a theory that ALL life on earth is origining from material that was brought here by asteroids or so, from other star systems. Or may be intentionally by a alien race? Who knows...

In the case of the Kardashians, may be its the same - perhaps they were marooned here by their own people, as far away as possible from their home world.

No, nothing like "Enemy Mine" other than that it's set in space during a war. By the way, that story was way better than the movie, even though the movie was pretty good!

Panspermia, the idea that life was brought here on comets or asteroids, possibly after huge impacts on worlds that already held life. It's a fascinating idea--maybe the Kardashians are the only ones originally from this planet, and we'd be better off not knowing what else used to be here. My novel does have a background involving some alien race that once seeded planets with life in this area of the galaxy, but it's not involved in the plot. Look out for sequels, though ...

May be the Kardashians are something like the Coneheads, only less funny?

That idea, that aliens spread life in the galaxy is fascinating, and has been inspired many stories already. May be even humans directly. That would be handy for the movie and TV industry - since it explains why most aliens look like us, or very similar. In Stargate they actually said that.
Talking of which, I recently heard a rumor that they want to revive Stargate. Could be cool, if its done properly. But I'm afraid it will be like usual: its Stargate, only totally different.
Btw., I'm watching the 2nd season of "Upload" at the moment. Not bad at all, and a relatively fresh idea for a SF. Not totally new, but what is, nowadays. It's on Amazon Prime.