Co-Worker "Ha-Has" / 7 - 10 - 18

in humor •  6 years ago 

This is a short one, & a quick one.

So there I was.... On my soap box, & a co-worker had TWO reactions to my rant..... First, he wanted to know if he could hug me. Second, he asked me if I'd ever considered motivational speaking. As in, DOING the motivational speaking. I pretty much blew that comment off because I figured he was just being spicey, but.....

A little while after he'd went back to his own area, he came BACK. He came back JUST to tell me, for the second time at that point, "I'm serious, you could be a motivational speaker, you could make people do what you told them to, you make ME want to accomplish more". So at THAT point, I started thinking maybe he was being for real the FIRST time he said it. Maybe. He was pretty sincere, & he has no reason to lie to me. Know what I mean? And he's young enough to be my child, so he's NOT trying to flirt with an old chick. K? K!

Anyway.... Now that I'm home, & while it's quiet, I started thinking about what he said, &.... It's honestly quite hilarious to me. Me! A motivational speaker! OMG!!!! :-D :-D :-D If ya'll knew me at all, you'd KNOW why that's such a funny thought.

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