A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum -- Humour Competition

in humor •  7 years ago  (edited)

The challenge here is to make me laugh. Out loud.

Not easy. Just ask my wife. Yup, she said I'm a miserable old git.

(Note to those born on the left side of the pond and between Canada and Trump's wall. (He has built it, yes? He did get Mexico to pay for it, yes? No? Oh well, he's a politician. You know what they say a politician is doing when his lips move.) "Humour" is the real spelling of "humor".)

Okay, first the rules:

  • "humor" must be your first tag. Yeah I know, I just finished 'splainin' that the correct spelling is "humour", but you'll get better results if you spell it wrong. No, I don't mean w r o n g, I mean incorrectly. NO, not i n c o r ... Thank you.
  • "Humour Competition" needs to be part of your title. Make sure you spell it right this time.
  • Do not include the quotation marks.
  • Upvote this post.
  • Put a link to your entry in a comment here.
  • Your post must be at least 350 words, not including your footer. I'll tell you when my footer starts so you will have an example.
  • Your post should not be more than 2000 words unless it needs to be. For example, I like a good shaggy dog story, and some of them can really run on. I have however heard a lot of them. In fact I have told a lot of them, so if yours is a story about a rarie you'd better have a new twist.

Okay, enough rules for now. If I think of more I will mark them with bullets. Now you know how I want it I'll tell you what I want.

I don't laugh very often. I have particular tastes. Seinfeld does not make me laugh. In fact he bores the pants off me. Quite the achievement since as you can see I do not wear pants. Henney Youngman was just crude. Rodney Dangerfield was very funny with his self-deprecating style, better on a bad day than Youngman could ever be on a good day.

Ronnie Barker and John Cleese were/are two of the finest wordsmiths ever. Malapropism is a tool I sometimes use. They were fantastic teachers. Bear in mind though that "Word Association Football" is only about 270 words.

Shelley Berman, early Bill Cosby, some Jonathon Winter, Emo Philips, and George Carlin are a few of my favourites.

  • No memes. Don't waste my time.
  • If you want to do a comic strip, fine. I'll consider a frame is worth 100 words.
  • Recorded standup must be delivered by YouTube. dSound and dTube do not work for me. I don't know why.
  • No profanity. The word "fuck" does not make me laugh.

Comics: The Perishers, Peanuts, BC and The Wizard of ID make me laugh.

  • DO NOT copy/paste someone else's work. There is a good chance I will spot it and if I do, 100% chance I'll report it to steemcleaners.

A montage is an allowable exception to the copy/paste rule.

The prize:

I don't know for sure because I don't know how many winners there will be. Anyone who makes me laugh will be included in The Magnificent Seven, even if I have to produce more than one issue. If nothing else that gets you a full upvote from @enchantedspirit and myself. And some decent exposure. If there are no outright winners I'll pick my two favourites for The Magnificent Seven.


Trust me, I'm a doctor

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This has nothing to do with my contest but I just ran across it and it had me in stitches.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


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Here is my entry... Hopefully it at least brings a wry smile to your face... Let me know how it measures up :o)

I came across you through snooks post. Hugs, you made me smile as I am having a difficult time because of dementia caretaking.
Waiting for the entries, believe me, my husband is far more a miserable git than you. I can't always make him smile.

Hmmm. Since this competition is not going well so far, maybe the next one should be a "miserable git" contest. Not quite sure how it would be judged. Maybe we should first have a contest to determine how to judge a "miserable git" contest. You start.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


great idea
1- traits of being miserable
2- how to make others miserable
3- how to irritate others well enough
lol, just kidding

I could really get behind this contest. Man, do I have some stories.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @catweasel. This is a story / post I wrote a while ago but it was the first post that people finally got my Humour.......not for your contest but everyone should laugh at least once a day. :D



again, one really needs to laugh once a day if not more........again not for the contest but if 3 monsters dancing don't make you smile.......it's all I got.......

for now.........you have been warned!! LOLL

Funnier than most I've seen lately, but nowhere near a laugh. However, if you have that sale again, only 3 cents for a gallon of fresh cows milk, please let me know. I would like 4 gallons, please. Do you deliver?

As for the dancing monsters, my kids would have loved them when they were kids. They go well with Where the Wild Things Are and the Fungus the Bogeyman Plop Up Book.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


We have created a post yesterday with a short film (around 50 sec long), and I don't intend to change the title or tags of our post in order to be eligible for this competition. It was covered in Isaria and Shawn's curation show yesterday and they laughed pretty hard.

So if you are interested in some free laughs not connected to this competition you can check it out here, I don't know if it is your kind of humor but it might work. ;)

P. S. Although there is no similarities between Carlin and our post, he is one of my favorites as well!

I'm glad you didn't change anything. It wouldn't have been a winner anyway. Mostly it's the language barrier. I can see where you are going with this though, and I do like it as far as I understand it.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


before I try to make you laugh...what's your sense of humor? dry? dark?

That could work.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Nice contest

Nice posting

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This post has received a 0.35 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Very good competition .. Keep it up

Lol great to see such post